I laughed, I cried.
I laughed, I cried.
I have no idea what Trapped in the Closet is, but it immediately made me think of this rather brilliant Mighty Boosh scene
I see consumption for functional use as different to aesthetic consumption. I mean, he's just being fucking greedy. Really, would he likely have consumed 9,000 butterflies in half a year?
Don't hold back. We all need a little extra sweetness in our lives :)
And, oddly, I would be super-fucking-pissed if Hugh Laurie had women issues. I mean, he cut his teeth in Footlights with Emma Thompson (and Stephen Fry, of course).
I fucking live for that article.
In fairness, she was about 16 then.
I don't think a relationship with a child is any more or less meaningful than a relationship with, say, a sibling. I do, however, think that relationships with other people is a source of meaning for some people. Which is what I was pointing out given that the initial author said: "I'll take someone with *real*…
Your comment is vastly anti-parent (but particularly anti-mother, since you specify women): "I know tonnes of childfree women who are heavily into social work, education, volunteerism, etc., while a fair number of the moms never had anything particularly worthwhile to say and now just prattle on about how little Timmy…
And, Sweet Lord, it is jealousy. I swoon when I think of the uninterrupted sleep my child-free friends get.
Wow - so much hostility.
Not to go all sanctiMOMious on anyone, but Attachment Parenting does *not* state that you should give up work. At all. It states that while you are present (i.e. physically there) you should practice attachment parenting. And if you are not there for an extended period (long day care, etc.) then you should make…
I, for one, liked Grandma's House. So awkward, but good. Solid. Maybe not great. But definitely solid.
Yeah, it's a wonder why - if people insist on placing so much meaning on song lyrics - they can't sit through the whole damn song and evaluate it. Sigh.
Agh, Summer Glau. I forgot about how awesome she was in Firefly. OK, she's now on my dream team list.
That Brian Cox is really quite neat. He was on an episode of QI and was very benevolent (Professors can obviously be a-holes) so it isn't at all surprising that he was complimentary about his encounter with Moss.
Fun and games. If you're comfortable (and competent) writing, then 10ish months is a good time frame. I know a bunch of people who wrote their PhDs in less than 6 months. I mean, I also know a few who wrote (and re-wrote) constantly for 2+ years. But they would never have described themselves as comfortable…
I get that same feeling every time I watch an old episode of Seinfield.
Coming late to this, but oh well.