
we’ve cum so far, but we still have far to go.

I am feeling super resentful this week because I thought I was done with menopause and guess the fuck what? A period! Not a light “you’re almost done with this shit” period, either. Two weeks ago I tossed out all tampons and pads, thinking it was over BUT IT ISN’T OVER. Fuck.

Seriously, men would off themselves if they had to deal with this shit.

You know what else would help? Special patches that gay people would have to wear, maybe a pink triangle, (or tattoos even!) so they wouldn’t be able to use the bathrooms for straights. I wonder if anyone has ever thought of that before?

But what I think they meant is that in certain lighting, at certain angles I am able to embody certain cisnormative beauty standards.”

I thought he was more of a cross trainers sort of guy.

Pretty much:

I mentioned this to you earlier today, Natasha, but over the past year, I’ve found the public face of the movement to grow more and more divorced from what it seems society needs feminism to be doing. In one corner, we have pandering celebrities who have tapped into the lucrative Tumblr activist demographic by

Since this is just an unconfirmed rumor for now. I am also thinking it can be a lunatic trying to smear the left by starting a big untrue rumor. Until a national news organization confirms this, I am skeptical of this person’s words. Also, what kind of fucking friend lets the rape of SOMEONE ELSE slip to a journalist?

Then I demand a raise. And a BJ.

We should be so lucky! Kidding!

Must be hard being that thirsty when you clearly cannot use your lips for worldly purposes

On the down side, this seems pretty sexist.

Bullfrog, but it feels disgusting. You'll never burn but you'll feel like you just took a bath in crude oil.

Bullfrog, but it feels disgusting. You'll never burn but you'll feel like you just took a bath in crude oil.

who knew melissa mccarthy would become the biggest movie star out of GG. i’m so happy for her.

For some reason, the slowly swinging earrings make that gif a bajillion times better.

The Tito’s/Tanqueray thing reminds me of this time back in my mid-20s when I went to this party my then-roommate’s friends were throwing. I didn’t really know the people at this party, but there was free booze, so whatever. I’m making random small talk with this dude who, it became quickly apparent, was a total

If I had $15,000 to drop on a single article of clothing I would just hire someone to make something for me.

I want to applaud your use of “funner.” It made the pedant in me cringe and I can enjoy a piece of writing that makes me feel visceral, raw emotion.