At least you weren’t advocating “world peach.”
At least you weren’t advocating “world peach.”
It’s the way she says “crust.”
Sue Ann Nivens. Sorry. Superfan here.
My next protest sign thanks to ummmmokay: A Nation of Mensches!
Stacks of cassettes and CDs (and VHS tapes) that you still have in the back of a closet even though your kid is almost 25 and lives in a different time zone but every time you think about getting rid of them, you can hear her tiny toddler voice singing along to “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” or “The Colors of the…
Did he seriously say “the upmost respect” or is that a transcriber typo? Because if he did, English is no longer the national language.
KKKellyanne looks, from the knees down, like an 87 year-old socialite. And once again, SHE AND I ARE THE SAME AGE. I consider myself neither chic nor particularly giving of a fuck, but Jesus wept, I would never consider those shoes with my 1998 Hose of the Month Club taupe cast-offs from before I lost 30 lbs. Or…
I think Melania ran out of fucks somewhere around Nov 12 (if not sooner), and is in some sort of Eastern European sleep mode until 2020 or Schmuck a l’Orange decides he’s bored and moves back to New York.
How long before there’s a pleather one that simply says KNOCKOFF on it? I’d carry that . . .
This isn’t a budget, it’s a fucking tantrum.
There’s nothing the least bit hostile about that signature, either.
You don’t grow roots like that in 10 hours tho.
Either way, your initial answer works.
Flashing back to a painful conversation with a well-meaning former-sorority girl very straight friend with an “I’m Down With The Lesbians” t-shirt. Only this is somehow way worse.
I agree with you completely.
“Pia News!!!!!!” and it wasn’t about Zadora is starting my week off all wrong. Thanks, Bobby.
I will remind you to look for them at Goodwill six months from now when there will surely be many sets.
But clearly, Joe Scarborough never really took in the lyrics.
How well does Poster Boy for White Fragility pay these days, anyway?
Tyranny is now on our doorstep; it has been sneaking its way into our lives through stealth. Now it will burst into our homes through storm.