
Mr. J. Christ, 33, of Bethlehem, died under mysterious circumstances this past Thursday while in Roman custody. Christ was seen being apprehended by centurions Thursday evening, for the apparent crime of being the King of the Jews. Christ was then taken into custody; he was discovered by authorities, dead, on a

Dying because 1) of the misspelling of “navel” and 2) the notion that A CHILD STOLE HER BELLY BUTTON. Did the kid rip it out from the back on its way out?

Reminder: Dr. King was a preacher who wore a suit and tie while preaching nonviolence. Despite that, he was still arrested, beaten, and ultimately murdered. Being “respectable” doesn’t guarantee that you won’t face police brutality and systematic racism. In fact, being “respectable” guarantees exactly jack shit.

I’m a long time Baltimore resident and the fucking national media has been absolutely shitty about the way everything has been covered. At no point were the rioters on Monday ever “protestors” but everyone on CNN and even MSNBC kept calling them that. There are 48,000 students in the public school system in the

I totally guessed John Mayer.

Love him! My 17 year old daughter wore a dress with spaghetti straps yesterday and when a school administrator told her to cover up she asked him if her shoulders were turning him on. She's a sassy thing and I love it.

I keep trying to imagine pitch meetings in which everybody around the table is totally gung-ho about this phrase and nobody says boo. The only way it makes sense is that the person who came up with the phrase was high up the food chain and nobody wanted to put their head on the block and tell that person no.

Anna I love you SO MUCH for this headline. No need for additional comments, people - the mic has been dropped.

The protester later was quoted as saying he didn’t believe this would negatively affect his career in the Senate.

OH MY GOD! This made me recoil in horror thinking of the angels in disguise I’ve dealt with as a server. I have crippling social anxiety and rage directed pretty much toward anyone who is not a cat or koala, so serving is a little weird for me. It’s a challenge. It makes me interact with folks for money, though it 99%

Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

I’m a little late but here goes. I worked in a Gay Dennys in Arizona and soon after gay marriage became legal, I had the most adorable elderly couple of men, one white, one black. They were seated at the counter and had on these beautiful leis. I asked if I could feel the real flowers and asked what the occasion was.

you seem fun

Commenters disagreed: One wrote asking why the Kleins were so upset about GoFundMe canceling their fundraiser when the site was doing the same thing the Kleins had done, refusing the use of their product for something they didn’t agree with.

I laughed so hard when my sister phoned to tell me he died cause there wasn’t a neurosurgeon to save him.

Ana Gasteyer or GTFO.

Bobby, you could do a whole regular series of Wrong Answers. Like, ten at a time. Fucking killing me, man.

I have thoughts.