
If I were a straight, white man, I would be so insulted by this crap. Are we really supposed to see them as the Frailest Little Bunnies? Cuz anyone who’s any flavor of queer, nonwhite, or owns a vagina breathes that kind of exclusion daily and still manages to get shit done without bursting into “but what about

I’m a year and a half younger, and I would NOT be up for new motherhood at this age. Then again, if you can afford all the help you need, mazel tov.

You win.

Anyone else see the lead picture and think, “Boy George is looking good! But what the hell does he have to do with Donald Trump?”

That’s why I’m all about the BBC programs on Netflix. The femme fatale in those shows wouldn’t get cast as the one-line post office clerk in an American show, and they’re way more believable. Janky teeth ftw!

Yeah, but it will totally pass your Portuguese immigrant test. (You have one of those, right?)

Oh you should. The rest of the cast is stellar: Lili Taylor, Annabeth Gish Vincent D’Onofrio, teeny Matt Damon, Joanna Merlin and, of course the amazing Conchata Ferrell (before that 2.5 Men nonsense). The movie is unpretentious, cozy, and lots of fun.

Wow, talk about self-loathing ...

If you’re really old, you know that Stars Hollow exists only in a snow globe that Jess stares at for hours on end.

Printing and framing this. Yay math!

Religion: An all-or-nothing proposition.

You win everything! (Also, “splort!”)

I kind of love that Kim Cattrall looks like she was out doing errands (no/minimal makeup, zipper jacket) and just got pulled in off the street to do a show. Also, she turns 60 this year. Holy shit.

You know Rahm is doing his little Veruca Salt stompy feet dance tonight. Kim Foxx is Team Preckwinkle, so Rahm just lost a major ally.

She’s a thing to him, and he doesn’t understand how using a thing gets him life in prison.

That is a seriously narcissistic parenting move on Madonna’s part. The more she pulls crap like that, the harder the kid is going to stay away. I know whereof I speak, and my crazy parents didn’t have arenas full of fans to passive-aggressively woe-is-me to. And the Bukowski quote? Pretty sure that’s about

Now playing

I do believe Uzo Aduba can sing anything:

And the entire idea stolen from Jill Sobule.

Seriously. Not that I think Skippy Entitlement and his ilk have the brains to do it, but does BayTech(TM) really lack the imagination to even try to work on the problem? I would love to see the venture capital community start to put public service requirements on their cash to bring these whiny, fragile, Eraserhead