Montauk Monster

Alcoholic comedians.

Priest collars. Don't judge me. The Thornbirds was really seminal (heh) in my life.


Maybe her parents were fans of "The Name Game" and also has a brother named Bo Bamber.

I just want to point out that Crystal Metheny also came from Florida.

I know I'm in the grays, but this really needs the Archie Beat Off cover:

How the fuck do these parents sleep at night knowing their children are homeless because of their hateful, bigoted parenting? Congratulations, assholes, your kid is at a huge risk of experiencing violence, turning to drug use and prostitution, facing disease, death, etc. But at least you didn't have to learn to be

I'm a big fan of the place called Mexican Restaurant by me. Never been there, but at least they're straightforward.

Congrats on the idiotic name of your restaurant, Mad Fresh Bistro.

I have been ketshup-shamed, it was over ten years ago at breakfast in front of about 15 people. I often think of that moment, I sincerely don't think I'll ever get over it.

Posted on the door:

People always look at me strangely when I say that Stephen Merchant is my ultimate celebrity crush, but there is something to be said for a very intelligent man who writes consistently excellent comedy and flies just under the radar. Plus, I have a thing for gangly gingers.

I ated mine =(

Oh, dammit, Ricky.

So true. "Hello Ladies" was criminally underrated.

I definitely think Stephen Merchant has a strong fatphobic streak running through him. But if you consider Hello, Ladies vs. Derek as the things both men have made without each's clear to me who the better writer is, at least and certainly the one responsible for the praiseworthy emotional beats in The

Shared this with a friend from across the country who actually works at a comics shop and also happens to be black, and has many amusing stories about casual nerd racism. He had a pretty good comment I'm going to paraphrase here.

Him: "Okay, so if my shop had a room that everyone called 'dead nigger storage', think

Reason 9,428 Jaime is the best: he tried to kill the most boring Stark.