Montauk Monster

ARRRGH. These guys are the embodiment of a guy I work with, who is very sweet but just has no "shhhh, stop now" gauge in his brain. He's very LOUD and wants to interrupt you constantly with terrible jokes and puns that don't work and on the rare occasion he hits on something clever he rides it like a redheaded

This is a whole new kind of narcissism, "family narcissism", it used to just mean annoying Christmas letters and god awful family portraits and now it's viral videos to show how fucking great you and your kids are. After the Frozen lipsync which was fine until I realised they themselves had titled it "Good Looking

The screen grab was enough for me to not even press play. And I'm the kind of person who looks at hideous pictures of gruesome crime scenes because I have no self-control.

Well said. I think what bothers me about the Holderness family is that they act as if it's all about the kids and the family, but really it just reads as them holding a sign that says, LOOK AT ME, LOOK HOW FUNNY WE ARE AND HOW MUCH WE LOVE OUR KIDS. (That'd be a pretty big ass sign.) If you want a career in show

In the Xmas Jammies video, the dad raps about his vasectomy.

The stairs video is great because the kids are the stars. It's sentimental because whether you have kids or not, a lot of us remember that feeling of coming downstairs or down the hall on Christmas day. If you do have kids, you realize how quickly that time goes by.

I don't get it. Are they trying to be the family from Step Brothers? Because you're supposed to hate that family because they're the worst.

You are 100% correct about every single thing you've written here. Also, Marcia Brady's face is the very best thing, and that Christmas staircase video made me cry. THAT'S REAL CHARM, TV PEOPLE!

These are your friends?

Ugh, these people. I have a perma-scowl every time I see one of their videos.

Why are these monsters subjecting their poor children to this?

Nope. Made it to :33. These people should be shamed and shunned.

Just the screenshots fill me with so much cringe. I can't handle the video, and I admit I sat through all of Swagger Wagon. I miss the days when people made this shit and family newsletters and that stuff and just sent it to, yknow, family.

Freedom of speech, according to Reddit, means posting the nudes, then censoring the efforts to reveal who was responsible for gathering them.

Hopefully the forthcoming Brittany Murphy movie, which I won't be watching if I can help it, will be better but ... I doubt it.

i got in a back and forth with someone who kept being like 'well free speech means a lot of things to me.' like sorry idiot free speech means one fucking thing. ONE THING.

I like how he goes from being upset this guy is asking for videos and pictures of his girlfriend to begging to see naked videos and pictures of other peoples' girlfriends.

He the most ordinary looking British man. Albeit a clever and talented one. No disrespect to our John here but men in the UK look like him all the time. You lot seriously seem to love him. I don't even pretend to understand it at all. Or that it matters just that ... you should come here. You will not be

I like how they realized that "Winter is coming" is trademarked by someone not owned by DisneyCorp.

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.