Montauk Monster

This makes me feel sooooo much better about a big ol’ piece of shit I wrote recently, thank you. Sincerely. 

So Cersei now hostages? After like, twelve hours? Seems like The Gang could propaganda their way out of this. Get the remaining Unsullied to draw up some flyers for the illiterate citizens about how the “enemies” stopped the undead, do a few dragon flyovers. Talk about chain breaking, remind them of

I first began learning about K-pop in 2012 but am by no means a mega-fan; I’ve recently heard a few songs that have entire verses in English (like “Solo”) instead of just a few words here and there — how long has that been going on? Was it happening in/around 2012 and I never happened across those songs, or it is a

Is this so Mayor Pete’s blind fans can learn that he’s a white guy? 

Haha, now it’s in my head that when Sansa asked last week who was going to feed everyone, Davos just thought to himself “On it” and quietly slipped out of the room with onions on the brain. 

Winterfell’s walls are kept warm even in the long winters, and the explanation has always just been “it’s built on hot springs.” Arya asked Bran about Wildfire in the war room. I strongly, strongly suspect Wildfire was utilized in some magical way during Winterfell’s construction. They’re going to have to blow it up

Everything Bran said about the role of the Three-Eyed Raven seemed to come from nowhere to me, but that said, it’s been a long time since I read the books.

Didn’t Bran actually see the creation of the first White Walkers? He knows the Children of the Forest — who he MET!! — created them from Man, as a weapon against Ma

Arya asked Bran one question — can magical fire kill these magical creatures we know are harmed by fire — and he’s like “IDK!” Thought you could see the future my dude!! Bran basically is a book, completely useless unless you “read” him (Tyrion, again, is the only one slowly figuring this out.) 

So Jon died and was resurrected, Bran subsumed the history of all humanity, Dany survived immolation and bought dragons back to the world & has visions, Arya learned assassin magic and can change appearance at will, the Stark children acquired direwolves, etc. etc. and like...basically none of that was addressed in

Over-plucked brows add a lot of years; that look has been out of style for a generation, and it’s a meth-y aesthetic now.

That tie has pink triangles on it, so it’s really hard for me to tell if D’Souza is straight or gay. My confusion is entirely reasonable, because I’m scared of clothes I don’t understand. 

Randomly found myself at one of her shows circa 2011/2012 and was really impressed with how well she was able to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. She’s just dull, evidently quite dim, and a kewpie edgelord persona ain’t ever gonna change that. I hate how much Janelle Monáe collaborates with her, it makes me

But Bran knows everything, including how prophecy may or may not play out in the final battle. I don’t think Bran wanted Jon to know that, legally, the Iron Throne is his for the taking — I perceived it more like, he thinks Jon really, really needs to get up to speed on whatever kind of mythological promise his very

I’ve wondered for a while if they’re going to blow up Winterfell; the crypts have been important since the beginning, and I wonder if the “hot springs” the castle is built on are something a little more than hot springs, like it’s affected by wildfire magic or something? Scatter tons of dragonglass shards along the

I attended MTSU, but at the time Jeremy was working the NACA circuit (“National Association for Campus Activities”), along with luminaries like the guy who played Mr. Belding and assorted former Real World/Road Rules cast members.

I worked in the Student Programming department while in college, and at some point the College Republicans decided all the programming was WAY too liberal (we mostly brought stand-up comics and musicians) but iirc the final straw was a pre-packaged “debate” about pornography between Ron Jeremy and a feminist scholar.


Should have called him Atticus 

Right? Would kid fans even recognize her if she was out & about in street clothes with her hair down?

35 years old and holding back tears *at work* once the “Simba ages” montage hit