Mrs. Gideon Regrets

Do you need a loyalty card to shop at Target? I'm trying to understand how this Guest ID works, but I'm not sure I'm following (we don't have Target where I live).

Punky and funky, but definitely not clunky.

Kindling! Get your kindling and stakes, right here!

Do you mean in terms of energizing the pro-choice lobby to get more vocal? Because in that case, I agree 100%. What a laying out of the facts won't do, I'm afraid, is change any of these crazies' minds. What's a more few dead harlots and abortion doctors? That's good riddance to bad rubbish to them. Anything to

Oh Rick, fuck you and the tide of ass-effluvium you floated in on.

YouTube comments are where compassion, reason, common sense and spelling go to die. No good can come of this.

Asshat 1 and Asshat 2 sound like real gems. Don't you love it when people show you their true colours?

Best wishes to you and your dad, Chritter. Alzheimer's is such a betrayal. It sounds like father and son are both really strong, though—sending good thoughts your way.

Maybe she was trying to imply that you were better than the place you're in now, and deserved to get out and start moving on up? Really poorly phrased, though. Any chance you could pick up those other programs on the side? If you've indicated that you'd be ready and eager to learn, it seems odd your company wouldn't

Well, the stats are in: with just over 600 posts to this thread, that's fully half as many as last week. What a difference a week makes. It's so quiet, but I don't know how to quit this place...

That sounds like an a-maz-ing thing for you and your daughter, with much less stress all around. Hooray!

Hearts are heaviest when they're in a sack; lightest when they're in another's heart — at least that's what e.e. cummings tells me.

Those pjs sound adorable. I am wearing red flannel ones that are so warm: I lurve them.

Oh balls. Nothing saps my will to live faster than a clown who loves to hear himself talk, dishing out pointless assignments no one cares about, in a meeting that will. not. end. I hope you can wrap things relatively quickly and enjoy the rest of your day.

Oh, honey, that is dreadful, I'm so sorry. Could you invite some of your friends 'round, so you don't have to be alone in your apartment? Just don't do what I did and invite despair to take up permanent residence; there's a motherfucker who is almost impossible to rid of. If you do feel like you're going to hurt

"Hello. I am Inigo Montoya." I just watched it the other night; bliss is right!

You are a brave soul. Best of luck! You can do it!

Your stories made me go "awwwww" fer reals. Bill Murray: my dad ran into him at the airport around the time of the first Ghostbusters movie! He didn't do the classic "your friends will never believe you!" but did sign a really swell autograph, which is still one of my dad's treasured possessions.

Congratulations! Do a little dance? Drink a little wine? Get down tonight? :D Seriously though, enjoy! Remember to be careful with those pinks, though. Promoting pink comments automatically approves them, and approving trolls will cause you to lose your shiny.

Your overlords with their love of inefficient meetings sound suspiciously like mine. Every day IS a meeting! Boo, boo I say.