Mrs. Gideon Regrets

No, not on a Saturday! Stupid "let's touch base" meetings. Touch my base in an email, dammit!

Jezzies, I have had it up to here *points at eyeballs ominously* with meetings for the sake of meetings. Anyone else wasting their Friday afternoon in pointless meetings?

I love you and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

I'm not usually an "everything for a reason" type person, but if McCain releasing this fuckwit onto the world stage had to happen in order for the right wing to completely collapse upon itself just the way you said, I say BRING IT.

This needs to become a thing immediately.

Happy 21st! Hope you have plans in place that will necessitate your real ID!

And if you have a soul, that allows the possibility of a soulmate. Dun dun dun!

Derelicte meets The Sound of Music at the Royal Enclosure at worn by Helena Bonham Carter.

How loose are you willing to go with your definition of satire?

I was rooting for the full Star Wars "I love you...I know" exchange, but other than that, nicely done. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a hankering to watch Moulin Rouge, of all things.

I also approve of this rigorous peer review.

Common sense bear would have simply said it's not a good idea to fuck right there in full view of the front door.

Gary Oldman, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

I'm not sure, but believe they're both in favour of miniature American flags.

Romney-bot is off to the lab for a logical fallacy upgrade (now with extra straw men!).

Frankly, I'd rather hear what a T. Rex Pope has to say on this issue than the real Pope. They're both dinosaurs, but the former carries more moral authority (and has an in with Raptor Jesus).

He is the "nice" one after all. This proves it!

Oh baby, you're setting my bio-behavioral feedback loop on fire!

Aw, that's probably the only heart-related thing I'll get today. Happy Valentine's Day, Polish Peasant!

Truth. My BIL is a paramedic, and if ever there's a car that won't pull over when lights and sirens are engaged, 9 times out of 10, it's a BMW. Douchebaggery is often comorbid with a nasty case of entitle-itis. Shame.