Mt Everest: Come for the views, stay because you died.
Mt Everest: Come for the views, stay because you died.
I think about the complicity a lot, myself. If I was into t-shirts, I would buy this:
That was the best thing I've read in a long time. Fuckin amazing you are.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the foul ball, and lose his own soul?
This is amazing. How do we run this to the damn top of the comment threads?
That was hilarious!! Thank you.
For some reason the part about “...the chopper is waiting, blades a-whirrin’, just like ‘Nam, not that you were there but you saw it in the movies...” caused my laughter to shoot out my eyes in water form.
Your appreciative audience raises a virtual mug to you. Enjoy your beer.
I love that you added a link to finding help in the Kit Harrington story. Because self-care isn’t just for celebrities.
You certainly used a lot of words to call them ‘posers’.
Well yes, that’s how all apologies that don’t involve time travel work.
I read all of this in Bubba Blue’s voice.
Moby stated they dated in 1999. According to Portman’s IMDB, she was born in 1981. I’m no mathematical expert, but that would make her 18 in 1999 and not 20, as he initially wrote in his memoir.
I think the best scenario is that Durant makes a fatal mistake in Game 7 to lose the Finals and then we skip ahead five years and Durant has given up and gotten fat and Green has to come to his hut and convince him to come back and help them make one last title run together. And Green will bring a raccoon to the hut.
“In the past year, I have 60+ IG & Tw DMs from KD, mostly from 3 convos initiated by him spanning 5+ hrs each.
I’ve asked for nudes, topless, bottomless, wet t-shirt, blurred nips, no face, blurred face, ass, ass cleavage, thong, partial thong, white panty, feet, toes, legs, a reverse Kirby with human feet where you…
It’s so sad that that’s we are now.
I hope you get pooped on next by Trump.
And the British thought they had perfected milkshaking fascists.