Occam's Toothbrush


It’s an article about poop! A-poo-pos if you will! 

Try eating large amounts of children’s cereals or Jordan Almonds. You’re welcome.

You can poop green if you eat Burger King’s black-bunned Whopper (which originally debuted in Japan and then came to the US a year later for Halloween).

to discuss a forward Walton wrote for a book Tennant published in 2014

to discuss a forward Walton wrote for a book

Was it under 1000 words (a small foreword) or over (power foreword)?


The St. Louis Browns aren’t DEAD dead, they’re the Baltimore Orioles. There’s a big difference between the Baltimore Orioles and all dead; the Baltimore Orioles are slightly alive.

What do you mean? I don’t see any difference?

... which was a record that lasted only a few paragraphs, until the reference to Twelve Angry Men, from 1957.

Sure a boat’s a boat, but the mystery box could be anything — it could even be a boat! And you know how much I’ve wanted a boat!

Despite Kellerman’s protestations prostatations...”

He was being literal. He is Jon’s cousin. 

Missed my favorite one

As another commetor pointed out, she is correct in noting that the far left congresspeople total abut 5 people. It’s important to remember that our congress is made up of members who reflect the positions of their constituents—wherever on the spectrum that may be. Pelosi is absolutely correct in stating that the

Welcome to PetFur Estates. I have a lovely parting gift for you. 

Pretending that Frogmore got its name from an abundance of frogs in the area, let’s name our homes/estates.  Mine would have been called Antmore Cottage before the bug guy came yesterday, so it’s back to being Hoardmore Estate.

more like kit lackofharington, amirite?

She put them in after she bought it. I personally love the additions and I think a lot of Hillsborough residents do too. That house languished for years on the market. The town should be happy that someone bought it and made it a welcome sight on the 280.