Occam's Toothbrush

Shanahan’s offense is so bad they can’t even beat themselves.

Thank you for this excellent contextual summary.

That’s adorable.  Well done.

Wait- what? Paused WHAT action? And his mom was talking about BUFFERING? Like- what?? Am I to understand that there is a male out there who was able to lure a young lady to his residence, and that he proceeded to make out with said lady, and then paused said make-out session so he could show a video of his mother

Hung for treason? Why, no, ma’am: I like to think I’m hung for pleasin’!

I’ve been waiting to see some analyses of latinx and black voters who vote with Republicans notwithstanding everything repugnant.  I suspect you’re right, that a lot of it is driven by religious identity.  I’d be curious to see how much these populations vote against Democrats on account of Democrats’ support for

I’ve also heard good things about their dining experience.

Didn’t they open for a roving troupe called the Aristocrats?

Thanks for posting this, because I read that Atlantic article and thought, “Wait a second-- not THAT Randall Terry???”  Then I looked at the pic, and it didn’t look like the dude I remembered (I thought he had curly hair, but it was like 25 years ago), and, more to the point, I figured the article would have mentioned

I tend to avoid Trump’s Twitter account because self-care, but I had to check to see if those tweets were real. And yeah, they are real— if “unreal” can be considered “real” (which is all we have in the Trumpverse).

Talk about taking things literally!

This is now also my favorite story about your childhood.

If I were a liar, then I’d say that mishmashing the names of Mark/Matt Chapman and Jody/Jordi Foster was all part of the same joke that included conflating Chapman with Hinckley, as opposed to a simple brain fart of an old, tired man.

Unreported: among his community contributions, he served as LA Water Commissioner. Also, the coroner found saltwater in his lungs. #BadForGlass

If THIS doesn’t impress that Jordi Foster girl, then NOTHING will!

Ooooh- your new dude just biffed his closing. Yikes. I’m not suggesting a causal connection, but— man, that happened like 45 seconds after your post went up.  He must have read it, and-- maybe you have a new secret admirer??

That oncologist note is a badge of honor. You were there to be your husband’s advocate, and I expect he couldn’t have asked for a stronger one.

That’s why I was chuckling even more than I usually do when reading your stuff...  :)

Now playing

So you’re saying you were a bit overwhelmed by the variety of shrimp on the menu? Relatable.

OMG that is HYSTERICAL. Your husband sounds like he was a pretty amazing person. I’m sorry you lost him far too soon.