Occam's Toothbrush

That was lovely, thank you.  When my dad was told he had less than six months to live he said, “Well-- at least I don’t have to see the dentist again.”  It’s something of a privilege to witness people maintain their sense of humor even when facing death.

I will gladly die fighting on this hill. (Mound, actually.) The DH is an ABOMINATION to the game, and I would have said the same thing if I were alive when it was first introduced. NINE DUDES IN THE FIELD. (Or ladies, if they can compete.) SAME NINE DUDES (again, or ladies, as appropriate) on offense! Yes yes, you

While I agree that there is an inherent conflict of interest created when doctors are retained and paid by the team, I don’t think that was the operative dynamic in KD’s case.

Please clap.

I rarely receive so much applause when I come that hard into second base.

The Malice in the Palace.  Worth bringing up every decade or so if only for the cool rhyme.

I’d say something like, “Sweet justice!” but my philosophy professor, Prof. van Hungry, taught me today that justice is an illusion stillborn from a failure to perceive the world in four dimensions.

Your truth-bombs are detonating on target.  I’ll meet you over at Nihilist Arby’s...

Yeah, I left out the NHL because I really don’t watch hockey. (Don’t hate.) I’d like to think that there is no NHL arena that would erupt in cheers at a downed player like the Raptors fans did today, but I don’t watch enough hockey to venture an opinion.

Raptors fans clowned themselves. The cheers were not “brief”— the whole arena erupted, and it went on for quite awhile. One particular clown was seen courtside waving “good-bye” to KD while KD sat clutching his Achilles.  The Raptors players were clearly embarrassed, and KD gave a well-deserved “fuck you” to the

And here’s to you, Mrs. Raptorson... 

People trying to get to Oakland?

Gotta love the harmony between the “likes” and “comments” in the Instagram as originally posted here. Nice!

We prefer the sign-off, “Yours in struggle,” but otherwise top marks.

JESUS CHRIST ON A CRACKER!!!!!  How the hell was that not fatal???  What kind of g-force was that poor lady contending with?  She had to have lost consciousness fairly early in the, uh, spin cycle.

I can’t hear “jism” without hearing the theme from “Chisum.”

That security guard is just lovely. Such empathy. And Almora is as broken up as anyone with a soul would be. Gotta say I’m a little put off by the old dude in the front row who decided to whip out his camera phone to “capture the scene.” Though I guess we’re all media consumers and producers now, and I suppose I’m

Aw, shucks.  :)

Thank you.  It’s nice to know sometimes that I’m not just talking to myself out here.  *sheds wistful tear; gets back to the evening’s program of beer consumption*

So, Lamar Odom. Okay. Don’t really know a thing about the man, but about how many people can it be said, “Had to be airlifted after being found face-down at the end of a four-day brothel-bender, but- he was just too damn big for the helicopter, so they had to send him in an ambulance instead.” (