Friend of mine rented a 328 not too long ago. I was surprised at how small and cramped it felt. Solid but tiny.
Friend of mine rented a 328 not too long ago. I was surprised at how small and cramped it felt. Solid but tiny.
And yet he’s never been indicted on tax evasion...
That might be a benefit, but that’s damn sure not the reason it was passed. Don’t be naive.
Life isn’t fair dude. Never has been, never will be. Make the best with what you’ve got and keep moving forward.
I don’t disagree, but the amount that high earners are making in comparison to lower earners is outrageous in their opinion. I hear a lot of calls for a flat tax, people don’t realize that normal John and Jane Doe types would be on the hook for more money if we went flat with no deductions.
You’re absolutely out of your mind if you think that regular citizens pay anywhere even in the same league as high of a percentage of taxes as high earners do. They pay much more than their fair share compared to John Q. Public.
Typically taking quotes out of context. Citizens have access to all parts of the tax code, but why look into the tax implications of investment income from a foreign country if you’ve never left your own state? So no, you don’t have to read the entire tax code book from cover to cover to get what you need out of it.
If he’d done anything like you guys are suggesting he had done, he’d either be in jail, or have been fined into oblivion.
So, nevermind the fact that you misread your own chart, and I came up with my figures off the top of my head, but they do illustrate the point. The figure you were actually looking for is 69.80% of taxes were paid by the top 10% of earners.
If they don’t care enough to go do a little research, then don’t complain. You don’t have to read the entire tax code book. There are thousands and thousands of articles written every spring to cover almost every facet of the tax code. Put in a little effort, save yourself some money.
Quite familiar with them. But I might ask, where do you think they get their funding? From wealthy people who are also sucking up to the politicians to sway their votes. I don’t think people understand just how tight-knit people in and around DC are. The politicians, lobbyists, business execs, etc., they all know each…
I promise you that if they had a reason to doubt his returns, the IRS would have audited the hell out of them. That would be a huge victory for the IRS to prove his wrong-doing.
Let’s take your line of thinking here: “Person A does something I don’t like, person A has been implicated in doing several other (legal) things I don’t like, therefore person A has to be doing some other far shadier things, possibly illegal things behind closed doors” - This is the exact train of thought that kept…
As long as they’re both following the laws as written, then no. If the breaks are available, take them. Whether they should be there, or not, is a different discussion, that really goes down a rabbit hole.
The politicians are going to serve their best interest, since they’re the ones that sign off on tax changes. If they write in something to benefit their friends and non-political colleagues, then it still advantages them. The tax code is the way it is to get you (normal people) to behave in specific manners. They can…
There are very few that are only designed for those that are “wealthy”. Also keep in mind the distinction between wealth and earnings. You can be exceptionally wealthy, and have little earnings. You can have great earnings, and be relatively un-wealthy. The high earners are also limited on a lot of breaks, they phase…
Not really “cheating” the system, but yeah, I wish everyone would pay more attention to tax breaks they can use.
You know what else is the law? All the tax breaks that people take. You’re not intelligible for tax breaks because you’re not wealthy. They exist for you as well, should you be able to use them. Even with their tax breaks, the top 10% of earners pay something like 95% of all taxes. Most “poor” folks don’t pay a dime…
Disagree. The General Public is free to look through the tax code all they want, and for the simple tax returns that most people have, a little research would go a long ways. The reason wealthy people have to find an accountant/tax attorney is because of how incredibly complex their tax returns and everything they’re…
Only a dumbass would pay taxes if there was a method in which they could get away with not doing so. Welcome to the tax code, it’s convoluted for a reason; and that is, so that the politicians that created the thing and all it’s modifications can take advantage of whatever they want. If regular citizens take advantage…