
Jane Levy should be a way bigger star and it’s crazy that she hasn’t broken yet.

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Blade communicates. He has opinions re Motherfuckers and ice skating

For a moment, I was like, how did I miss Trent Reznor as a vampire?

Bradley Cooper as the halfling flame of Holga’s felt like when one of the PC’s spouses wants to sit in on a session and play a minor character but gets bored by all the fighting parts.

Nah. It should be the first three hours.

Oh my God, I had that in my damn notes (which I was scribbling in the dark of the theater while sitting next to a guy in literal chainmail), “DM sets up elaborate puzzle trap that PCs immediately break" And forgot to include it here. Yes, exactly, very well-observed.

My favorite bit of working around the DM in the movie was using the Gelatinous Cube to “solve” the maze. DM sets up with complex series of encounters with a puzzle on top of it. Party: “everything is coming from a sub-basement, I bet it’s open, or at least more open than this maze. Since we can survive a cube for a

The best gaming subtext is in the scene at the bridge in the Underdark: The DM has set up an elaborate environmental puzzle, but one of the players immediately ruins it up by fucking around and rolling a critical fail, so the DM has to decree that the party has been carrying around another way to cross the whole time.

The first time I ever played, one of the other group members spent the first 80% of the session rolling a D12 instead of a D20.

Which is a testament to Fincher, because it’s still really not that bad a film.  It’s not great, and doesn’t stack up with the first two (arguably perfect in their own way) films, but it’s watchable.

I like Covenant because it's basically a Hammer Films Frankenstein movie with Fassbender in the Cushing roll.

No idea how the “MCU or DC,” even entered the conversation. What are you even responding to?

#3 is in keeping with #1, and hated by those who love #2

they’re all also scientists who are supposed to be the best in their fields, so them being absolutely stupid makes little sense

I think it works better as an alternate sequel to Alien. Starting Alien 3 by going: “None of Aliens mattered” felt like a bit of a kick in the teeth.

Tbh I love Prometheus. This is probably not what Scott was going for, but I like the idea that the blue-collar space truckers in Alien were better decision makers in the lurch than the scientists in Prometheus. (Having a PhD does not actually make someone any less of an idiot in those parts of life not related to

I had been looking forward to Resurrection. A Whedon script and Jeunet direction (Snappy dialog and off-center, unique artistic sense)...then I saw it.

Just read up on the dude, and it’s like he’s the patron saint of weird troubadours who ask if they can crash at your house before “casually” suggesting that you give them anal.

The best of those “let’s remake the 70s movies” is The Hills Have Eyes (2006). Is that a slasher? Probably not, I guess. But damn that remake is incredible.

Did AV Club leave out Keaton’s Vulture just to get more clicks from people looking for him on the list?