
No “Spec Ops: The Line”?

I’m increasingly getting the impression that the heads of the studios would rather just get out of the whole entertainment business entirely and move into something more reliable like furniture wholesale

We always talked about the ‘Golden Age of Television’ ending at some point, but I really didn’t think things would get this dire.

It’s quite interesting you’re mentioning the “hammer meets a penis” scene of Antichrist and not the “scissors meet a clitoris” one, which is way nastier imho.

not much, what’s Old boy with you?

“Until Pacific Rim?”

I would have been fine with calling this 36 Reasons Why the 90s Were The Best

Goddamn the 90s were a great time to grow up.

But there are several May releases included in this article’s list of 36 films (Cliffhanger, Crimson Tide and Die Hard with a Vengeance to name just a few that came out in May). The month of May has been the unofficial start of the summer movie season for quite a long time now.

Crimson Tide was on the list, and I recall watching that very early in the summer movie season, like before Memorial Day...

Agreed. Hard definitions of summer have no place in a list like this.

Including 1999 as a year, and things like the X-Files movie and not including The Phantom Menace or The Matrix (admittedly an April release, but held the attention of everyone for a while) seems...  misplaced?

Imagine in 30 years when it’s “The 5 best summer blockbusters from the 2020s” and you’re thinking “wait, only 5? Wasn’t the 2020s like 36 years long?”

Yea I didn’t love that movie but having it on the list because it isn’t historical is like having Weird: The Al Yankovic Story on this list for the same reason. Because if you are going to make a movie about someone like Barnum one option is to do a super accurate thing and the other is to go over the top circus specta

I think it was Densmore who said Kilmer’s performance was absolutely uncanny. I didn’t realize they didn’t like the film though.

I always thought that “The Greatest Showman” was the movie that PT Barnum would have made about himself, rather than what he was actually like. Everyone’s the hero of their own story.

I find The Doors almost impossible to watch now that I’m not a teenager.

“The Greatest Showman” doesn’t fit here at all - in your own description you said it was highly-fictionalized. This film was not written to be a “biopic” and never advertised itself as such that I recall. 

I mixed up Bobby Darin with Bobby McFerrin, and I was VERY confused about why Kevin Spacey's age would have been the biggest issue.

This is stupid. Pay for your movies like a grown-up.