
My understanding with Disney property is that they are just fulfilling streaming contracts that they made years ago.  The house of the Mouse does want everything under their service only eventually but it’s gonna take a decade to get their. 

There were existing deals in place, they couldn't cut them off instantly. But they did as soon as the deals ran out.

You write “Tolkien nerd” like it’s a bad thing.

I remember thinking that the twist in the original was so obvious that the filmmakers were deliberately telegraphing in order to do a misdirect. The hints were so obvious and consistent that we were going “well clearly they won’t do that”.

Almost all modern horror movies seem to have to have a twist of some sort, so you kinda go in expecting one.   With that in mind the original telegraphs the twist pretty clearly.  You may not figure it all out but you clearly figure out the major beats of what is gonna happen

The twist is something is horror cliche in general. I’m more surprised at horror films with twins that don’t have this “surprise.”

Assuming that the big reveal is the same that it was in the original, I thought the original did a terrible job concealing the eventual plot twist (to the point that I wasn’t even sure it was meant to be a twist).  Sounds like the remake is repeating the same mistakes.  

“Why should anything ever improve slightly? I paid back my student loans! herpa derpa derp!”

Jesus, you’re a lousy human being.

That’s just bull shit. Every good thing that has ever happened was because someone complained. I can vote because women before me bitched about not being able to vote. I can wear pants in public for the same damn reason. Complaining is GOOD.

Ooh, tell us your story about surviving in this business as a young woman with sufficiently thick skin!

Oh right, the problem isn’t the misogynistic trolls, the problem is that she COMPLAINED about misogynistic trolls. What women used to know but modern women have forgotten is that they’re supposed to keep their mouths shut when boys are being boys. Why, misogyny and abuse will simply vanish once women stop talking

We’ve got a cavalcade of creeps in a desperate race to prove her point right here in the comments. 

Oh yeah if she gets better at ??? she’ll stop getting harassed. That makes sense.

they’re all cowards because he knows *he* could beat their fictitious asses in a fight LOL.  Seriously dude, you’re the richest person in the world, go to the Maldives for a few months, live life, quit being a third rate Twitter troll, and if that’s not satisfactory give me the money and I’ll go do it for you LOL.

I suppose the Harfoots could be considered cowardly in their aversion to the rest of the world, but I’ve never heard Hobbits referred to that way despite the exact same nature.

The elf is exactly who I thought of when I saw Musk’s sad critique. And the boy who attacked the orc.

Please stop paying attention to this attention-whore racist labor-stealing pile of shit.

That’s alright, neither does he.

Almost every male character so far is a coward, a jerk or both”