
Us Greendale Humans would disagree with your assessment.

He had his slimy octopus testicles all over everyone, didn’t he?

I enjoyed the guy through a few reviews. Then I realized he REALLY has some axes to grind. She-Hulk is really stuck in his craw right now.

“Amazon is evil, so racists are okay to hate a show because black people are in it?”

Why are people so invested in critiquing a show that they haven’t seen a single minute of? Either watch it or don’t, but all this preemptive nay-saying is stupid and pointless.

YouTube film criticism, by and large, is a cancer.

Galadriel is canonically a warrior and rebel leader in the Silmarillion.  Anyone claiming that this depiction is a massive departure is only pretending to know the canon.

Vanity Fair had coverage of the LOTR movies two decades ago.  This is not a new thing

Incel culture is bizarre.

Why are you assuming that Amazon isn’t going to touch on the super obvious, unavoidable themes of this world? The trailer alone shows pretty much every thing you mentioned.

Yeah it is strange. The most profitable film series in the world is based off Marvel comic. D&D is more popular then it ever has been in the past. The video game industry is large then the movie or TV industry and keeps growing. People know what Doctor Who is!

Marvel has been remarkably successful at pleasing both camps, as was Peter Jackson in the original LOTR trilogy.

I got just about 2 minutes into it. Man these guys just hate everything 

I was afraid no one was going to say something completely stupid.

Why is it racist to [feel an explicitly racist thing]?

I honestly would love to know where you’ve been reading about this show that hasn’t been infected by toxic, racist, sexist trolls who are openly rooting for it to fail, because I find them inescapable.

There’s a lot of context needed for this.

It’s definitely weird that the older I’ve gotten the more things that I was made fun of for liking have gotten popular. It’s like the opposite of Abe Simpson’s ‘with it’ rant.

Toxic fans are people who like, try to review bomb stuff for starring a Black actor and claim it’s for other reasons etc.

Pretty sure nerd shit has been doing “first look at” promo photos on Vanity Fair for like, decades. Hell, I remember Phantom Menace doing it waaay back in the day.