
I was making fun of the Post because they think “woke” is by having a black person as Batgirl and not a white women. They are a rightwing rag. 

Absolutely. To anyone who disagrees with this see Batman using a gun or even better, the scene at the end of the Snyder Cut where Batman tells Joker one day he’s going to kill him... because that’s all Batman ever wanted to do is murder the Joker... he’s just so damn elusive! (to anyone who knows anything about Batman

Yo some one here who has attempted suicide and survived and moved passed it - shut the fuck up. I enjoyed The Suicide Squad but yah the title was a bit off putting for me considering the whole almost killed myself thing. I guess that makes me a sensitive snowflake for treating death/depression with seriousness by your

That is the most depressing thing ever that “woke” has now been boiled down to mean that Black people are present like wtf is that?

Does “it’s woke” translate to “Leslie Grace is Black” cuz maaaaan what. Why is blackness considered woke now. This is like that commenter who insisted that homosexuality was a controversial topic and didn’t want to see gays on their TV screen.

But DC is known for their R content though, that’s like the one thing they’ve had going for them over Marvel for decades.
Judge Dredd, Constantine, the various Batman animated films...
Their Oscar award winning JOKER for godsakes!
So i don’t think that the super-sensitive that you’re talking about matters, otherwise

Comparing any given film to Aquaman rests on one question:

Yeah, I wouldn’t trut the post, the post wanted it canned because it’s a rightwing rag and wanted the movie to fail because it’s “woke”.  I trust the variety post more as well. 

“Everything should be monetized, except this $70 million Batgirl movie which we’ve got completely ready to go. Let’s not monetize that one in any conceivable way ever, as a treat.”

Yes, I’m seeing more talk like this today. I’d have said something but got piled-on yesterday for using the “S” word on another blog. There are a lot of angry sexist, racist dudes on this site just itching to scream you down if you suggest their misogynist idols are being unfair.

Oh boy this guy’s gonna run this studio into the fucking ground

I also don’t think they anticipated the Wizarding World extended universe to tank as quickly and as violently as it did. The Potter films got better with each subsequent release, the parks make a killing, Cursed Child (while having a cursed plot) nabbed a ton of awards for its unique staging, and the first Fantastic

I wasn’t a fan of Constantine, nor Watchmen, but I don’t really hold it against them because this wasn’t really DC Comics superheroes per se (they were part of Vertigo at that time, which was different). No, I’m talking about the “classic” DC line-up. It’s incredible that The Dark Knight trilogy’s success, right when

Both Variety and HR are reporting it had nothing to do with the quality of the film. It’s more a continuation of Zaslav axing everything and wanting DC movies to only be big budget theatrical releases rather than streaming original movies on HBO Max. While also trying to wrangle the DCEU into a more unified universe.

Let’s see minority directors (who just came off the successful bad boys 4 life and critically acclaimed Ms. Marvel), female screenwriter, female Latina lead. Reports from “sources” that it was irredeemable smell like racist, sexists executives making up excuses.

F you Warner. Disney better grab Leslie Grace for a

I refuse to believe this is worse than BvS, Justice League and WW1984.

There shall be no Keaton slander!

For the first (and still to this day, only) company to own an entire superhero brand, Warner Bros. did remarkably little with it during the big boom of the genre. It could have been the company’s Golden Age and they let it go by.

Oh please, like he wasn’t already doing that.

Quick Keaton, allegedly kidnap some children and hold them in a farmhouse with a load of guns and weed. Then they’ll have no choice but to release it!