
That is the absolute best part.  Playing 730 off like oh well things happen.

They are apparently going to have episodes of the original show unedited with the music videos intact, so I may have to subscribe for that anyway.

I agree that everyone who saw this should get their money back. But I’m thinking that a simple refund may not be as easy as all that. Tickets are purchased from the theaters, not from Fathom. It seems like the individual theaters could refund the ticket price and then Fathom could return their take of that to the

Threads on Reddit got into better detail. Basically most Fathom events are just streams on a dedicated Dish network channel(so 1080i) and locked ATSC aspect ratio. Special events like this was supposed to be get hard drives shipped to the theaters with a proper DCP fit for the actual high end projectors. Fathom is

Give them a break, it’s not like it happened everywhere; it was an isolated incident that occurred at a mere 730 showings.

Gotta love Fathom’s mea culpa is “You can pay us to see it again and maybe we’ll do it correctly this time,” instead of “We will be providing refunds for all the showings this occurred at.” Gross.

I’ve learned to never underestimate the box office potential of James Cameron’s films. Titanic and the first Avatar got a lot of press before release about being big-budget follies and predictions about being box office disappointments, and then both became the highest-grossing films of all time during their day.

This is the first time I’ve seen non-right news outlets suggesting that the presence of gay elements had anything to do with a piece of media’s financial underperformance.

The Batman.

Be quiet, idiot. 

And Florida.

it basically entirely occurs in the background of a montage.

Having never seen the first Avatar, I’d take that bet. Cameron has a history of making wildly successful sequels to films that were released years ago. Avatar 2 isn’t a confusing concept, it’s Avatar 2. And a lot of people liked Avatar.

This is not a spoiler, but the same sex couple in this movie is such a small thing. I barely even tracked it. It’s more of a “oh, nice.” kinda thing. It’s sweetly done but like all pixar romances, the movie doesn’t harp on it or anything

Yeah it’s kind of telling they think of a film about an interracial romance (based on a massively successful stage musical written 70 years ago when segregation was still rampant) as “woke”.

Is West Side Story really woke? I mean, it had characters actively performing their God-given 2nd amendment rights shoot each other over land that they didn’t even own. 

Countless movies featuring straight white folks have flopped (inevitably, since those make up the vast majority of movies) and no one tries to blame their failures on people being tired of films about straight white men.

To be fair , if you’re pissing off Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, its a good sign you’re doing something right.

Waiting for the gO wOke Go BrOke crowd to chime in, conveniently ignoring the “woke” movies that made brazillions of dollars.

“Notwithstanding the complexities of a gesture that would hardly be remarked upon if it were cisgender”