
Superman: Red Son. Who many people (including myself) still didn’t believe he wrote.

Loved The Leftovers.  And Watchmen.  And Lost.

Watchmen tho

“They aren’t mean, it’s simply his views” suggests you might not understand some of the relatively common words you just used. And as for promising he hasn’t said anything to make more money, that shows a complete lack of understanding of being a professional comedian.

“They aren’t mean, it’s simply his views.”

You don’t get to decide what other people consider mean. And the only way you can promise is if you’re Chapelle himself. Just bc you like his comedy doesn’t mean you know him dude.

It’s simply his views.

Its not what the joke is about. Its how its about it.

Are you under the impression that a person’s “views” can’t be mean?  Everything is someone’s view.  

“It’s simply his views” — You realize that’s worse right? It makes his callow bullying into outright bigotry and propaganda.

Noooope, they aren’t mean. It’s simply his views.

Noooope, they aren’t mean. It’s simply his views.

He quit doing his show because he thought people were laughing at him, not with him. So now he spends his time laughing at a marginalized and very small group of people who’ve done him no harm. He’s gone from being funny-ha ha to funny-peculiar.

And if she chooses to change her mind, is that not also her truth? Not all compromise is subjugation. 

She’s not out to make transgressive art, she wants to make money and the companies around her want to make money. If this was some big statement intended as some pure expression, I’m sure she would bother to stand behind her work.

What the hell do you care if she changes her song lyrics?

As a person with Cerebral Palsy, I just want to say how much I appreciate Lizzo’s actions here. This kind of empathy makes the world a better place, especially when someone with a large platform that can be an example takes the time to do it. 

In the US, but apperently in the UK is has been

Sam Barsanti knows writers who use subtext, and they're all cowards

Honestly, Paddington 2 was so perfect that he may just not even want to tempt fate. Which I totally get, if it’s the case.