Mr. Jim Business

That’s totally how I feel about my Prius. Like, is it nice that it’s better for the environment than a traditional car. Yeah! Great! But I don’t give nearly as much of a fuck about that as I do about only having to fill up a ~10 gallon tank every week and a half, or maybe even every two weeks. And I still drive like a

My best friend and I both have September birthdays, and he’s a year older than me, but we came up through the same grade. If I remember correctly, most of the September birthdays were the older kids, and I was only different because I started “early”. Maybe the same thing is happening here? Or maybe they’ve just got a

Man, I jump that high all the time, and I’m fine.

And not just you or me, either! You know who would do great to be sullied by some weath? Young kids, mostly black, coming primarily from lower-, working-, or middle-class families and putting their brains and bodies on the line for our nation’s entertainment while often having their education (the thing that we’re

Right?? The fucking idea behind a 10-year contract is clearly that it’s a compromise between the team and the player. The team gets roughly the next 5 years of what could be potentially world-beating production, and the player gets security beyond that (which also, at least personally for the player, tends to make up

I’ve got a white noise storm on in the background and I played the dunk clip and it thundered right as he dunked and it took me a second to realize that it wasn’t in the actual clip.

I don’t think I’d be surprised if it was, but my guess is that it’s really quite overblown. I drive a Prius and I always hear the same things. “Big assholes in trucks like to fuck with a Prius.” “People will block you in a Prius/not let a Prius pass them because they think it’s insulting.” I’ve had maybe one truck be

Right?!? My jaw kept slowing falling watching that clip. Hell, before it even finished I had to go back and replay the second hit that really connected, where Nunes was backed up against the cage and she clocked Cyborg right square in the nose (I think?), but it was just so fast. And then you watch it a few times and

Re: Apple Watch... right!?! I just got my new S4, because I got the S0 when it came out, but I still tell anyone that asks if I’d recommend it fucking no. Yeah, it’s helpful/useful/nice, but it’s unnecessary. At this point I only upgraded because I’m used to it (and it definitely reduces my screen time on my phone by

Silly me wanted to ask, “what happened?” but even if you hadn’t made it clear that you’re respecting his privacy by not mentioning it in your post, your answer still wouldn’t be as hysterical as reading Drew’s eventual description of the thing. (Hopefully that wasn’t in too poor of taste...)

Depending on what they knew or didn’t know and how he portrayed the incident, I guess, they could still be letting him go for the incident itself.

Sometimes, in a professional fight, you feel like you need to make a point. I’m not just the best fighter between myself and my opponent, you might think, I’m the best fighter out of anybody in the ring right now! But... how can I prove it? And then, spectacularly, your moment comes. The, the question becomes: Can you

You and my poor wife, haha. I’m typically a Bleeding Edge Nerd, but I’ve definitely shifted from being a dick and constantly calling her a luddite to having a lot of sympathy for her when she has to upgrade her phone. She’s still on an old 5C and she loves the damn thing, especially it’s size, and the headphone jack.

Right? And the kid is only a year old? The adults planned this party because they thought it’d be “cute,” and it’s not as if the kid will even remember it. It doesn’t matter that you chose this theme for a one-year-old’s party, it matters that you, an adult POC in god damned 2018, chose the theme at all.

Yup, I’m with you on this. Not that I didn’t have faith in Mueller and his team before, but after the way he played Manafort, essentially goading him into telling what was known to be a lie, and then playing it off like they believed him to give Manafort a false sense of security, all before ripping the rug out from

How I feel in that situation:

It all smacks of continued paternalism over minorities, and the assumption that we as white people are the only ones who can fix the situation because we just know what to do. That attitude is even maintained by Ellen’s defenders in their condescending replies to Monique. It all feels like they’re telling her to know


#BeingAHeroWhileBlack is maybe the one hashtag I’d have thought we’d never see...

Probably also the regular and large print.