Just don’t go over to fucking reddit (someone linked this article from there), because they all think the “harassment” this guy received made his punching an 11-year old reasonable.
Just don’t go over to fucking reddit (someone linked this article from there), because they all think the “harassment” this guy received made his punching an 11-year old reasonable.
I’m on your side here, but my guess is that this sentence may be what’s giving the impression that you don’t agree with the ejection: “Gonzalez, who’d been watching Broxton’s helmet and removing his own mask, perhaps failed to notice that Broxton was throwing these items more-or-less blind:”
It was tough saying goodbye to football, and it still feels sort of empty when I explain why I don’t/won’t watch it anymore. Like, yeah, it was lessening my enjoyment of the game, knowing that these men were slowing killing themselves on every play. But I was and still am taken back by the incredible athleticism and…
I’ve never really liked or cared about Rex Ryan. The feet thing has always been kinda funny, but he’s struck me as a dipshit coach.
““Cirque du Soleil is like catnip for old people.” -Patton Oswalt” -Mr. Jim Business
“Can you, uh, answer why he’s tagging up there?”
Well, sure, but I thought Carlos Santana was more of a guitar guy than a consistent hitter.
This probably isn’t actually the point that goes against your argument, but the fielders don’t always need to throw (just in cases of a run out), and bowlers bowl with a straight arm instead of a standard throwing motion. My guess, though, is that cricket wasn’t as widespread of a sport as baseball was in the early…
K. So what?
I know that this is serious, and what these parents did is not only shitty but also incredibly dangerous for those children, not to mention the fucking awful example they’re setting... but did anyone else start cracking up when the lady behind the camera started asking for Jesus to hop into the fight?
This is the only good and correct take.
Anyone that can admit they made a mistake on the Internet... yeah, okay, you’re not so bad. Sorry for piling on, hahaha.
And for some reason, one that begins probably with “access” and ends with “is poison,” none of the Warriors beat writers, who are most knowledgeable about the team and its owners, reported the news either.
And how close does the score have to be? Would it have been more acceptable at 2-0, or 1-0? They wouldn’t have been as pissed if he’d reached with a “legit” single, so what... they’re pissed that they couldn’t properly get an out off of a bunt? Pssh, this unwritten rule stuff is mostly bullshit.
I just want you to know, unrelated to any of this, that every time I see your name all I can hear is Louise saying, “It’s called the child molester. It comes with candy.”
No, no, no: when is James Holzhauer?
Fair enough, and I totally agree with you. It’s a scummy, bullshit tactic to use, even if it ends up that Neymar is telling the truth and is legitimately innocent (and not just found innocent in court).
Just to clarify, are you saying that all of the texts/images are off limits, or just the ones prior to the alleged incident? Because I think that I tend to agree with you that previous communication between the accuser and accused probably isn’t useful unless it shows something very specific (like that either the…