Mmmm... fuel.

Yeah, we get it.

I want to see Kimi Raikkonen guest star on this channel.

“Windowed the engine”- Throwing a rod out the side of an engine.

I’m using this one. Damn that’s good.

For Americans everyday is a pre-war day. Until we invade another country. Looking at you Venezuela!! 

I like this guy’s work.


Now playing

I’m betting on Shane T in the battle to get into the 5s.

The world is changing around me and I’m scared!

California isn’t leveraging anything nor does it dictate terms outside it’s borders. It spent decades creating a regulatory body to address the massive amount of air pollution inside its state boundary’s and other states can choose to adopt those regulations (in part or as a whole) if they choose to. If a state that

This guy didn’t have his seat belt on until 2 minutes into the video.

You are correct. It just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Thank you Timo Glock!

I was once told “Australia is racism.” by an Aussie visiting the US.

I will never understand people who cover their car’s VIN. 

That thing is just rust holding hands.

You bought a 29 year old car with over 250k on it. There is going to be some servicing required. Speaking from experience these cars need a considerable amount of work if you don’t want to leave spots everywhere. I’ve replaced my clutch, transmission, driveline rear hub bearings, shocks and struts, power steering

Three pedals good, two pedals bad.

Les Schwab is known for this. It’s a win-win for them. They get $15 per tire and then they wear out faster and they get to sell another set of tires! 

“...but a certain set of skills can get it street legal on the State level. ;)“