
It will get thrown out when the it’s discovered the plaintiff was plantain evidence.

It’s a really good show that has attracted some really horrible people who don’t seem to understand that the toxicity of its lead character is not something to be admired, as multiple storylines over three seasons have demonstrated. I suspect these would be the same people who, in the 1970s, admired Archie Bunker

The AV Club

Right, that’s what I meant, before the narrative of the first episode begins.

Blast Hardcheese

Oh and the young guy who died ‘of consumption’ in the first episode.

There were the three that died (of scurvy?) before the show begins, so that leaves one unaccounted for?

Yeah it looked like the footprint had fingers or long claws and was huge.

You can see the ‘bear’ for half a second in the previous episode and it didn’t look ursine to me.

The juxtaposition of Hickey taking a dump on his “wife’s” bed inter-cut with Sir John’s funeral definitely solidified the point that this is less historical fiction than horror created by men defiling the sacred.  Definitely interested to see where they’re taking his character.


Star Wars has a long tradition of marginally racist alien characters but that’s one I never connected the dots on. Amazing.

Lord and Miller shot first.

“Nazroth” and “Zaldah”? I guess Thyrule” and “Princess Peeche” were too on the nose?

Or potentially less.

But enough about The Hobbit movies.

He was a Russian troll account that had to be abandoned after Wonder Woman turned out to be a good movie.

What was left to film? Half of book is the phrase “just like in Star Wars.”

In related news, Tumblr saw its shares snap.

Please please please bring back Adele.