
I wish it was the post-Trump era, unfortunately we probably haven’t even reached peak Trump.

I did Nazi this coming.

This sounds like a problem that would have worked itself out eventually.

Now I want to see Smith saying, “your world frightens and confuses me.

I saw that picture and thought this article was about how Meat Loaf contracted Lupus.

Someone give this person a medal.

It’s been four years since Harmon and Hurwitz said they were working on “something.”  I’d take a Koogler movie.

Still not the Koogler movie we need.

Lizard People Eat Their Own

He claims its New Orleans, which I take as a personal insult. Eastern European is my guess.

But enough about Arcade Fire.

His first guest?

Forgetting Sarah Marshellfish

Pride and Pufferfish

I have a big ass 4k tv now so I should give it another go, especially if he’s going to make another 3 or 4.

Have you tried turning it off an on again?

I think it’s a theater movie.  I tried to watch it three times on HBO and never made it past the first hour without turning it off due to boredom.

Whatever it takes to keep Cameron distracted from making another Avatar.

Infinity War will only Seem Like Infinity

Damn, Wendy’s, that as cold as one of those frozen McD patties, amirite?