
OH MY GOD.. that means this is sourced primarily from appendix VI, footnote 12, which could sustain 7, if not 8 seasons of 10 to 13 episodes each! Side note - if they don’t cast Gavin McTavish as the Zumba King, I will loudly boycott it.

Fateful Findings was robbed

NO MA’AM indeed

Mandy was the most fun I’ve had at the movies pretty much ever. It is cuckoo bananas. And that doesn’t even begin to describe how beautiful and meticulous it is in in sight and sound. This is a strange juxtaposition, but I think it’s the best movie I’ve seen since Phantom Thread.

Side effects of Vunexa may include dizziness, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, excessive thirst and Witchrot. 

Next you’re going to tell us he didn’t shoot that video in a room full of IBM Watsons

One is a tense, gripping, nightmare-inducing exploration of the exploitation of children in service to pure evil and the other is Hereditary.

100 bucks says that hair is a wig

Having been to Grand Isle, the most action you’ll see is the fishing.

When faced with a moral dilemna like this, stop and ask WWSD?

Clayton Purdom is an anagram for Cod Poultryman

He was the highlight of almost every episode


In the past week, my dog has shit on the carpet, pissed on the back door, woken me at 3am on two nights and I’ve spent another $500 on his heartworm treatment. In return he guards my house from squirrels and bicycles. He is not a parasite.  Good day, sir.

Clearly we’re in the minority, but this movie was gross. And that is was so gross in service of yet another superhero cinematic universe is crass.

We’ll just have to endure another year of the dark age before the Shianaissance

Meesa just followin’ orders

Plan B From Outer Space

If you listen closely during the chorus, you can hear a tuber playing.

The Cinematic D’Souzaverse