If they’re so against abortions, why do they keep making these movies?
If they’re so against abortions, why do they keep making these movies?
It can be two things.
I, too, was 11 and I watched my dad fall asleep in his theater seat not 15 minutes in.
I’m totally cool with pretending The Final Frontier never happened
Anyone have Steam summer sale suggestions? I’m a sucker for base building games like Factorio and They Are Billions. I’ve managed to avoid the sale so far because I haven’t beaten TAB yet and it’s pretty addictive.
Africa is peak Yacht Rock
I object to your classification of Africa as “soft rock”
Corgan has nearly completed his metamorphosis into James Carville.
When something ‘goes over one’s head’ it means that there was a concept or premise that they failed to recognize.
There’s a gigantic Goggins shaped hole in my heart since Vice Principals ended that this might somewhat help fill.
Putting together Ikea furniture while listening to RP1 sounds like a new circle of hell.
I loved Hereditary. My only complaint is that I thought it explained too much.
That movie didn’t get the attention it deserved. It is bananas. Panos Cosmatos and Nicolas Cage is going to be cuckoo bananas.
A Very Fatal Murder was funny but the ads were hands down the best bits.
That headline is timeless
Everybody just looooovesss the Simon Theorem but the inarguable objective truth that I alone have discovered is that it’s actually a steaming pile of hot garbage.
Hard pass. *bong rip* Ok, maybe.
Maybe it’s his way of thanking Matt Zoller Seitz for giving it a positive review.
I see we’ve all made a silent pact not to talk about the ‘I heart Z S’ shirt.