
I hope she decides to Packer bags and leave him.

That laugh triggers my Sweet Tooth PTSD from playing too much Twisted Metal back in the day.

Season 4 is worth a watch because, holy shit, John Lithgow.

Fucking hipsters, man.

After the Vegas massacre. I guess this time MGM just said, “fuck it.”

Great, here come the tesseract puns!

Can we even imagine a time when a Death Wish remake wouldn’t be considered spectacularly ill-timed?

Which is amazing, considering how much spray tan has been layered onto it over the years.

What exactly is a street fighter?

I’m glad you enjoy it and in no way am I suggesting that it isn’t a great, fun game. I haven’t tried it, so I don’t know. What I do know is that Konami wants to treat it like a service that requires regular payments to use rather than, you know, a game that is meant to be purchased and enjoyed. That’s all I need to

Alien: Conanentrance

That’s a poultry attempt at a pun.

Death by seppukute, amirite?

Konami wants $10 for an additional save game slot. That’s all you need to know about this garbage. Fuck Konami.

Pictured: Tom DeLonge’s UF O-face.

I guess it makes sense given that Pizza Hut is the most snap count oriented of the pizza chains.

The fact that The Emoji Movie exists had me primed to get enraged about a completely different Shazam movie.

Apple won’t stop applying their absurd design philosophy until the iPhone is a wafer thin transparent screen with which there is no way to interact other than losing it.

(You missed the pun)

This is by far the dumbest pun thread.