
Check check 123 123 the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain

The irony is that you just inadvertently cured cancerAIDS.

Meanwhile, no news about renewing MST3k…

He's experimenting with tantric sexual harassment.

O'Reilly has a point, but did he have to dictate the post to his secretary over the phone while slowly masturbating?

These aren't the celluloids we're looking for.

"Wide awoke"

"Wide awoke"

Hulk's best pickup line is you would like me when I'm angry.

For God's sake, can we at least agree it should be 'most woke' instead of 'wokest'?

They're really hoping this show secedes.

The MacGuffins at my AMC makes the strongest mixed drinks I've ever had. 12 ounces of bottom shelf bourbon and a splash of coke zero almost makes up for the price.

Upvoted for pedantry.

Next to a pile of bricks that gets larger every scene.

Jack & Coke: overly sugary beverage or overly sugary activity? I think I know the answer.

I don't know - based on the epaulets, he's only a Senior Airman and has quite a bit to prove.

He needs to look at the bigger picture: if he doesn't get a real job, then how the hell's he going to post on A.V. Club all day?

I 100% believe that, had The Cobbler not become the butt of jokes, we'd be soon facing a summer release of The Seamstress: A Cobbler Story starring Rob Schneider.

While I totally agree with you, there's a legit criticism to be made when the person in question is a member of congress who's made the choice to be photographed in their open-collar ducky pajamas with sunglasses perched atop their head.

It's an infuriatingly bad movie. Instead of just being typical juvenile Sandler drivel, it's a legitimate attempt to make a good movie with an Oscar-winning director. It's ends up being offensive on every level, and if you can actually stomach the whole thing and make it to the end, you find out that the whole