
That was gracious. I'll drop the mockery to say that I wasn't mocking you so much as the notion that a woman needs to be have a rock solid case before she alleges a crime, a standard that doesn't apply to any other crime.

Maybe you should take some more time to figure it out before issuing a statement.

OK, well was there video of the guy making the video? We need to be 100% on this before we besmirch this gentleman's good name.

At least this story had a happy ending.

Travolta's world.

*Weird Al quietly crumples up first draft of Bachela's Paradise parody*

Too street.

This isn't helping me get to my Scrooge McCuck joke.

They changed it to Duckson after the war.

Is there an intensely angry internet subculture who claim with hyperbolic fervor that this reboot is ruining their childhood?

He fixes the cable?

Brings new meaning to writer's block.

Put a little hot sauce on it.

Finite Ingest

But it is the start of a mighty fine gumbo.


I don't think I could handle the irony if president alt right turned out to be a literal cuckold.

The cell phone lots at our airport are filled with hundreds, if not thousands of taxis, all waiting in line to get their city-mandated fare. They're not going to lose their spot in line to go pick someone up elsewhere. And, when they do pick you up from the airport, they will complain about how Uber and Lyft are

Unless you're James Bond and then YOLT.

In my city, you can't get a taxi to pick you up unless you're at the airport.