
They were both invented by Satan to confuse us.

My memory is a little foggy due to the mounting rage that movie brought out in me but, it is revealed that Sandler was fated to become a superhero named The Cobbler and Dustin Hoffman,
playing his estranged father, takes him to some underground Cobbler-Cave with a secret underground network of tradesmen,
all with

Blizzard announces a new Hearthstone card, a 1 mana 1/1 with battlecry: if your opponent has Patches the Pirate in their deck, you automatically lose the game.

Remember how The Cobbler ends with a setup for an entire Cobbler Cinematic Universe? That was some sweet, sweet hubris.

The contrast in skill required to create the joke poster and the actual one is Stark.

Koko! Koko! Koko!

Great Job, Internet!
Not a single one of the reviewers liked it, which is, frankly, astounding enough that the team behind it should feel a perverse sense of pride.

Hodor stages a coup within the White Walker army and takes the Iron Throne when they make it to King's Landing.

I copyedited "The A.V. Club's" article The A.V. Club copyedited “Predisent” Trump’s lawyer, and the results were not good, and the results were not good.

Every American is guaranteed to be innocent-ish until proven sorta guilty looking.

Look, I don't know if Avery did it or not, but we can all agree he's guilty-adjacent.

One time. One time.

He did spend 40 days in the desert, tempted by Satan Russ Meyer.

Praise be to Christ Ebert.


Thank Christ Ebert isn't here to see this.

That didn't stop Academy Award Winner Suicide Squad!

I'm immediately going to photoshop Trump into that LBJ dog lifting photo.

I feel like if there were more booing in congress it would class up the place.

That sounds about right, although I was so disappointed with the taste that I didn't drink it fast enough to get a buzz.