He did the best he could; it's not like there's an Emanuel for how to do the job.
He did the best he could; it's not like there's an Emanuel for how to do the job.
In addition to his looks and skills, he was also brilliantly hilarious. He had it all.
He had Comey fired for refusing to stop the investigation into Russia meddling with his erection.
Just like Windows 9.
I hope people can get over their justified (though arguably inflated) hatred of Prometheus and go see this one so we get some conclusion to the story. It's a fun ride.
I was totally fine with how they handled it, my only worry was that they wouldn't commit to such a dark ending. My friend bought it, so it definitely fooled some people.
I really liked it and the few complaints I have are outweighed by how much I enjoyed it. I somehow thought this wasn't a direct sequel to Prometheus, so the reveal of David was a surprise. I was not, however, fooled for a second when 'Walter' shows up for the evacuation. I hope it does well because I want to see…
Between the low carb craze and this, it's getting harder and harder to distract the masses.
I guess they weren't clowning around.
Mr. Beardsley?
It can be two things.
Now the only question is, how small must it be?
Pretty sure there's not much chance of that anyway. Women are performing their biological duty of natural selection and walking out on him.
This guy clucks.
It's been on a constant loop in my head for the better part of two decades.
Me too, except it was Kevin McDonald from Kids in the Hall and Soundgarden.
He was forced to turn in his rock star credentials when he wrote Wonderful Christmastime.
I agree 100% but I still skip Spoonman because, holy shit, MTV wore it out back in the day.
They know what they did.