
Let us declare the mystery of space.

The best part of that episode is Gilfoyle nonchalantly cracking a bottle of champagne when Dinesh ruins the company.

You've got a nose for this sort of thing.

Happiness is a Lukewarm Gungan

Can't Buy Meesa Love

Lindsey Graham carefully prepares a bill to mandate a new season of Arli$$.

Senator Vitter liked to dress in diapers and have sex with hookers. That's somewhere on the fun spectrum.

I'm going to pretend she said Ball Fondlers.

Begrudging-smirk is the closest he's ever come to a smile.

Watching princess Diana die in a high speed crash, listening to MMMbop.

Pictured: a reverse chronology of hair loss.

And I had teed up a joke about the WGA strike having third act problems.


I saw a show on The History Channel that posited that the founding fathers were half alien hybrids and that America was their attempt to make a more perfect civilization for the rest of us monkeys. Talk about having your cake and eating it too, History Channel.

That sentence is so upsetting.

Parish's Ghost in the Machine is also exceptional, if a bit overpriced.

People Taste Strange

I've said it before, but I think it's my favorite RPG. I've got the D:OS 2 beta and they've improved on every aspect. I'm actually not playing it much because I want to wait until they release the full game to soak it in.

I thought it was a legitimate question, in the sense that boys, now men, just accept the concept of a 'Street Fighter' at face value and it really needs a bit more explanation. It was hilarious, either way.

The premier will be such a sausage party it will be Rianing Johnson.