
I Am Not a Serial Killer was just fine, although I think A.V. Club's A- is generous. Neither of the psychopaths in the movie really exhibit behavior you'd expect from a psychopath, and that nagged at me the entire time. Christopher Lloyd is really good and is moderately creepy, but that ending had both my wife and I

Invest in a flight stick, if you can spare the cash.

I watched it again recently and apparently it was a cut which excised the "NOT THE BEES" part. I felt robbed.


A pet stroller? I get miffed when I see kids in strollers staring at tablets being pushed by their subservient, coddling parents, content on raising a generation of psychopaths devoid of the emotional ability to interact with the world.

There is a series of videos called The Wyoming Incident that are faked signal hijackings. The music in it is the creepiest part and turns out to be that WGBH stinger played backwards and very slowly.

Another Stranger Things article? Here come the Barbs.

I think by not including 9/11, Stone is making the subtle point that it didn't matter in the decision to go to war in Iraq. As Jesse points out, this is actually a fairly sympathetic character study of the man, not the hit-piece people wanted. You can get that anywhere.

Blindspot was, unironically, in your blind spot.

Four minutes is how long it takes to completely fuck up an IKEA assembly, two hours is how long it takes to work around it.

Yeah but I had a weird crush on Kennedy.

I haven't given a shit about MTV since Alternative Nation.

I doubt Kanye can identify with anything that isn't Kanye.

I was a fan of Family Guy when it premiered in 1999. I thought it was consistently funny until it got canceled.

Cue Seinfeld Quote Generator in 3..

Their stance on when undeath begins is murky as well.

I don't have a dishwasher.

What exactly is a Street Fighter?

I'm enjoying the irony of a guy named Krasinski playing a Tom Clancy hero.

I want them but I imagine they're hard to clean.