
We've reached peak twee.

Nailed it.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

And terrible bedside manner.

In another casting coup, Danny Glover will be Troy in the movie.

Let's not forget, Avenged Sevenfold's ex-drummer.

Woah, let's not turn this into a Witch Hunt.

A Farewell to the King and I

I've already got the poster:

Look, let's not box ourselves in. By 2020, we can have at least four films in production for the TKAM cinematic universe.

I like the idea of Christian Bale in a cowboys and Indians movie. Sioux me.

The devastating Milli Vanilli revelations of '90 that spirited away a decade of coke-fueled optimism and replaced it with acid-washed, be-flanneled pessimism.

Abed you like tattoos, too.

Josh Gad.

Thrust Squathard

Anyone who doesn't understand the appeal of Baywatch doesn't have a very good mammary.

I had the same equestrian.

It usually wakes up in the middle of the night to ramble about it's get rich quick plan and imaginary McLaren.

It's so hard to keep the kids away from the New Yorker these days.

What's the deal with lint? How does the same stuff I find in my dryer also end up in my belly button?