Sadly I think very few of us around these parts are old enough to realize just how amazing that is. From a time when it was ok to be funny and not PC. Literally not “PC” in this example.
Sadly I think very few of us around these parts are old enough to realize just how amazing that is. From a time when it was ok to be funny and not PC. Literally not “PC” in this example.
I bought my first Apple product out of curiosity, expecting it to be a toy I can use a bit. I was blown away. That led my to switch my desktop from the nightmare of Microsoft crap to iMac. Once again blown away. Now, 4 years later I still have the old products, the older iPad not that relevant but in perfect working…
Yeah, imagine how terrible it would be if car buyers would have insanely high customer satisfaction, and the things would actually work like a dream!
I’m not disagreeing but just because someone shouldn’t doesn’t mean that they don’t. All I’m saying is her age probably played a big role in getting ripped off and it’s entirely possible it’s not her fault at all. She could just not know better and be a sweet trusting old lady.
the interior is weird
Anyone else remember what happens when a slow car is on track and isnt spotted by just one driver?
More like a matter of fact statement. I don't see this happening in Japan, America, Germany, Italy, Heck even Russia. So they are crazy arabs... cause this is where this phenomenon started. Not everything has to be racist these days...
few years ago when I was a star commenter on jalopnik this phenomenon was called "Crazy Arab" not drifting
Shut up. You whiny little bitches will complain about anything. Don't like it? Don't fucking buy it, don't come in here shitting on everyone else's parade. We're all having fun discussing a game were all excited about. I doubt anyone is going to lose any sleep over you not buying the game. Fuck off.
I you had said "official Gawker Media uniform" I would have actually believed you.
What lights? It's a zebra crossing. Pedestrian has right of way once they're on the crossing.
It was all private land. Logging area. Our impact was minimal. We recycled all materials.
Lexus has the most reliable cars, yet they also have the best dealerships both from a service and aesthetic point of view so it must be working and they sell a ton of cars.
Sounds like you answered your own question... it's like, "why take a sports car over a truck." Different pros, different experience.
The Lexus RC coupe weighs 3,748 pounds.
What do you need a next track button for? All of the Jimmy Eat World songs are good
Awwww! You went and ruined a perfectly good rant. And made me look kinda dumb in the process. Boo!
But in my last name...I before E
Well, I'm not too sure on that line of reasoning, if we were to say that every cars origin is simply the origin of their engine, then there plenty of cars that would come from the opposite corners of the globe than where you think (The amount of engines co-designed with yamaha are quite surprising). The GM Zeta…