
Ford let that ship sail years ago. Its as dead as the SS come 2016, except the US will never even get a turn.

So..he Czech'd himself before he wrecked himself.

The starfield cieling seems much less absurd and much more brilliant when referred to by its auto journalist vernacular: The "Instant Road Head Initiator Toggle"

The fuck would I cry for? Im not the dumb ass who married a controlling bitch. I hope your both happy. I know I am happy as fuck living my life the way I want to.

God do we have to do this every.single.time? Anytime someone applauds the Prius, or another other hybrid/EV another person chimes in with "but battery mining! but coal powers electricity!" and then we have to go through this whole ad nauseum explanation of recycling, source efficiencies, oil dependence, yadda yadda

Scion FR-S/Subaru BRX. For all the superlatives, Toyota and Subaru cut too many corners. Great handling can only get you so far and these two are far from great cars. There I said it.

Helped start Paypal, became a millionaire (billionaire?), now runs a successful solar panel company, an electric car company that's a Wall St. Darling, and a rocket ship company that has deals with NASA and is also doing fine. That's the look of a guy who's got shit figured out, if it's a little smug he can be

"Free-market" America tells me where I can and cannot sell my cars. Communist China allows me to sell anywhere....that's cute.

your mom

She ripped the duramax off, gave me a powerstoke, and I started cummins.

Awesome car though. The high ground clearance can take the sand and sea no problem.

You're right. It doesn't look 30 years old. It looks about 45 years old, bald, overweight and with a midlife crisis...

Aw, thanks Mom!

Sorry dude, if Vice told me the sky was blue I'd have to look out the window to check they weren't bullshitting.

The ES300 is awesome. Stop the hate :)

Lets see, a Tesla Model S sells for $70-100k (before credits) so thats roughly $7-10k in sales tax that states neighboring NJ and OH would gladly take. And you are gonna drop 100 grand on a car, you can afford to travel a bit or pay for delivery.

"Legalize It" with the Tesla logo from the post a couple weeks back.

Hyundai Equus iPad. You ought to get a Galaxy pad with your off-brand Merc.