
1. She contracted oral herpes

But also.... she should have sanitized the lipstick first... for christ sakes.

What in the actual fuck is this chick talking about. She has a mild skin condition and will probably never have another outbreak again. Emotional distress?? People act like herpes is like having fuckin diabetes or other actual chronic conditions.

I agree. She’s in personal defense mode; the professional thing would be to basically say “Ms. Griffin and I no longer have a business relationship. She is entitled to her opinion, but I have no further comment. I wish her well”.

Her post seems really unprofessional. I think it reflects negatively on her.

For me, it’s Dave Chappelle’s bit about “What does Ja think about 9-11?!”

Remember before this year when all the TV critics were so sure that D&D would just explode now that they were free of Martin’s plotting. I think its pretty damn clear now how much the old fat man carried them.

*twitches in Marine*


I really dig his song on Mark Ronson’s last album. Sucks he’s a rapist POS.

God, how I wish I could feel comfortable in these sorts of things. They got me good, though, from early on, and I can’t even dress sexy when I’m alone. How do you undo a lifetime of being made to feel disgusting and repulsive for not being thin??

Oh it is so worse than that. Kirkman clarified that she was not alleging Louis CK masturbated in front of her almost immediately after Jezebel’s first go round. She’s said that clearly and consistently. She’s called out Jezebel by name for misreporting and misrepresenting her. Yet as evidenced above, Jezebel continues

Doug Stanhope literally came out and said he was the item in question. Anna seems to be opting not to shoot herself in the foot but instead jump straight to standing on a live grenade.

I’m so confused by this whole thing. I remember the original blind item and the assumption that it was Louis CK.

This is getting boring and a little gross. It’s reminding me of the call for unedited photos of Lena Dunham – skeevy and not what I’d expect from this site.

She was also an abused kid continuing the cycle of abuse, who was able to break the cycle despite the intervention not because of it.

I remember, having read an article in Jane in the late 90s about the Mercury 13, I was really aggravated when Glenn wangled another trip into space as a geriatric, under the excuse of “doing tests to see how the elderly respond to things in space” or some such nonsense, to justify the cost. An interview was done

Yeah, he’s been portrayed as “one of the good ones” in various fictionalized stories about the time (i.e. Astronaut Wives, Hidden Figures, etc.), and I was really hoping that someone somewhere in that time really was that woke and kind to everyone of every race/ethnicity and gender...but apparently not. Guess movies

Pleasantly surprised that this is the first Dear Jane without ridiculous advice.