
For the wedding LW: you know this drama loving crazy lady is living for a rumble! Deny her entry to the venue? Listen for the screaming melt-down about missing her beloved sister’s day! And then MIL or Auntie will let her in anyway - while you are getting ready. Disinvited her? Watch your phones blow up with every

I will miss you Judge Brown. For me, Shade Court will always be in session. Best of luck at the new gig. May they treasure your wit, and perhaps, benefit from the occasional judicial opinions during a coffee break.

I do not doubt it. He was absolutely acquitted.

Likely not. But mostly because we, as a society, have abandoned positive conversation. So I wish we would [have a positive conversation about consent, and it’s modern evolution]? Yes!

THiS! He was acquired. He’s not going to get charges re-filed! Just say it, “17 years ago, the understanding of consent was completely different. The handling of a sexual assault case was completely different. That evening, under our modern, and frankly better, definition of consent, WOULD be rape. Period.” Done. It


Do you have to be local to enter the lotto?

That is love.

It’s the genitals that unlock the doors, right? That’s why they’re passing those laws - safety!

I didn’t like Mad Max either. Hang my head. Can’t like it! It was driving to a place we KNOW isn’t real and then turn around for the EXACT same chase to execute a plan we NEVER use! Gah!

I am slain.

I can’t unthink this image!

I agree with that as well.

Many women are harassed for wearing mini skirts.

Get the aisle seat! You think you want the bulkhead to lean against and snooze. That is false. You want to get up to pee! You want to do it without trying to wake up two people so they’ll move out of the way.

This is the exact question I got from the police officer when I reported my stepdad for sneaking into my room to grope me while I slept.

Hey, if we can call someone “governor" after not even completing their first term, she can still use the Princess honorific!

She is a Princess. She was Princess of Alderaan. General Leia works for honoring both her military position, and her royalty.

“Hiw much for the Cheetos and water?” Made me laugh for days.

Are you me?