Hunter Gathers 3.0

Chris Evans has been very public about the fact that’s he doesn’t really like this whole aspect of celebrity life. From all accounts he is a stand up guy and a great interview but this sorta huge lime light photo flashing premiere deal is not his thing and it actively causes him mental distress. Can’t blame him for

The best part of this movie is the Lindsey Buckingham penned theme song, Arlington Road. Such an amazing tune:

The Day the Clown Cried 

Zero Clown Thirty.

“There was a demon that lived in the air. They said whoever challenged him would die. Their controls would freeze up, their planes would buffet wildly, and they would disintegrate. The demon lived at Mach 1 on the meter, seven hundred and fifty miles an hour, where the air could no longer move out of the way of his

Google Books, man. I don’t have them, like, memorized.

Just to be clear: the guy who describes a character’s trapezius four times in a 700-page novel is bizarre, but the guy who can at will pull those four quotes out of said 700-page novel, that’s fine.

The Bonfire of the Vanities and A Man in Full were very important novels to me, back when I had shit taste in books.

“His neck, which seemed a foot wide, rose up out of a yellow polo shirt and a blue blazer as if it were unit-welded to his trapezius muscles and his shoulders.” A Man in Full, p.29

White suits will be hung up at half-mast out of respect...and to avoid wrinkles.

He’s bizarrely fixating on trapezius muscles in heaven right now.

Because I want to see David Duke set on fire and nonfiction hasn’t given me that.

I can’t wait for this to piss off Trump supporters and KKk members. But i repeat myself.

And let me just jump back in here to mention this looks fucking awesome. And I LOVE the rather pointed “America first” line at the end.

... are you, like, outside, or something?

What if it was a bottle of Night Train hidden in a green velour loveseat?

Sounds similar to my current drinking game “Drink constantly until Donald Trump is no longer President.”

I laugh at these dickheads, but, to be perfectly honest, if I found a surprise alcoholic beverage hiding in a piece of my furniture, I’d get down on my knees and cry tears of pure fucking joy.

I thought maybe they were playing a version of Asshole where they are all the asshole.