For when the wedding registry is at Walmart?
For when the wedding registry is at Walmart?
I hadn’t heard of Burgerville until I took a Pacific Northwest road trip last month that included a pit stop at one…
Yeah, $800,000 is more than they would have ever made at that damn pizza joint.
I can still have schadenfreude at all the rubes who thought they were donating to protect “religious freedom” and got duped.
I absolutely do say “sym-bee-otic,” and so will you if you want to live under this roof.
Sign should have read “Sorry, we’re close-minded.”
The term schadenfreude gets tossed around so much, but sometimes it really really applies.
Last night saw the debut of the first full trailer for Venom, showing off the most twisted, horrid creation yet to…
Walkerton, Indiana—population about 2,200—found itself in the national spotlight in 2015 when its owners publicly…
Or be like Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched- Go to sleep with Dick York, wake up with Dick Sargent.
If last year’s Archer: Dreamland was the animated show’s equivalent of a semester abroad—a fun but frivolous affair,…
White Collar Criminal goes to White Collar Prison for White Collar Crime.
Slightly related, when Buddy Hackett died, my friend and I argued over who he was (the guy from the Herbie movies or Jed clampett). And then a week later Buddy Ebsen died. I still feel partially karmically responsible for that one.
“If I’m dead do I still have to pay taxes?”
See also related article:
PT Barnum was an abolitionist who also bought a slave so he could pass her off as George Washington’s 161-year-old nanny. Truly, a man of many contrasts.
You’re a sly one, Vago.