Hunter Gathers 3.0

He’s pissing in the corner of God’s house now.


I hate to say it but the pairing of Shaggy and Sting is so ridiculous that I am actually glad that it exists.

She’s gonna blow our minds by making him a peer as “Baron Bombastic”

I don’t know how to feel about this; and it looks like the queen doesn’t either.

Alright, just listen. Everything is going to be fine. You’re very high right now. You will probably be that way for about five more hours. Try taking some vitamin B complex, vitamin C complex.. if you have a beer, go ahead and drink it.

I was a medic for about 5 years. I promise you, had someone showed up at my station with a stoned raccoon, the story would have had a much more awesome ending than “just wait for the effects to wear off.” There is no less than a 100% chance that the baked little bastard would’ve been driving the rescue truck before

Should I have my cat start rating these animals every week? (he loves watching animal videos.  I put on an hour long penguin documentary and he watched the entire thing.)

She looks sweet now, but I’ve seen gorillas go absolutely berserk when a suitcase is introduced into their habitat.

Mack moves from Amazon’s Lost in Oz to HBO’s Oz.

Get yourself a good intellectual property attorney, because 20 bucks says the NY Post is gonna steal that from you.

The Secret World of Alison Mack

Take your star, ya bastard.

I’m not sure what the road from insanely cute young actress with a promising career to panderer for a scuzzy cult leader is like but I imagine it’s not a pleasant journey.

Mack Moves From Smallville to Big House

Sweetie, no!