Hunter Gathers 3.0

Ed Debevic’s closed and sold their building to be torn down, too. They’re moving out to the suburbs.

That has become a part of my life.

“The second O is where the stress falls, you Gringo bastards.”

Because it is FAKED, dumbass!

Bobcat Goldthwait’s Willow Creek is pretty good.

Michael Caine.

Will this be entertaining? The answer is no.

Are they as evil as Beckys?


It’s pronounced “racist piece of shit.” 

Or you could quarter-ass and transparently fake it all of the time, like your boy Trump, fucktard.

Go hang yourself.

Well, I found out where Endora from Bewitched got “Durwood” for “Darren” (not that that isn’t a Stupid Name), and it turns out to be at least mildly anti-Semitic. American Multi-Cinema, or AMC Theatres was founded by the three Dubinsky brothers in Kansas City, MO. One of the heirs eventually changed his surname to

Don’t blythely assume you won’t die in the crossfire, Mr. Adultman. Go and do a business.

We’re probably going to have to kill them all, or at least two-thirds of them to get the attention of the stupidest third.

It’s about you being a constant and ceaseless asshole.

Psst... The Argies were much worse, or do the phrases Dirty War or The Disappeared mean nothing to you?

Well, also Nazi-flavored.

Something’s The Matter With Sunny!

What if he sells them for Venezuelan Bolivares Fuertes?