Hunter Gathers 3.0

Is the way Bitcoin is processed considered massively parallel processing, or does it just require big server farms?

Chili and doghtnuts just wasn’t working out.

The more it smells like a dead baby, the better it tastes!

Nappy-headed ‘hos?

He just looks dead.

Stupid people shouldn’t.

I wish he had been a better shot.

Man, I hate them Fancy Lads!

Iron John was utterly fucking risible in the 1990s, and it has just gotten stupider and stupider since then.

[Richard Dreyfus attempts to sculpt a mountain of refried beans]

“It was scary, but the production values were shitty.”

They don’t call it Blank Verse for nothing!

Lovecraft stole almost everything he new from Edgar Allen Poe.

Not Sir William Joel!

Patton still needs to get Bob Seeger to do “Uncle Touchy’s Naked Puzzle Basement.”

The “scholars” you speak of are employed by institutions like Liberty University and Bob Johns University, which are noted Fundamentalist Fraud Factories.

Jack Straws is on the list, too. No Captain Swing, though.

Thomas Eddison’s greatest inventions where his patent-stealing and credit-taking machines. He was a greedy, thieving, evil, deaf old bastard. 

Not very far at all, mostly. It was expensive and somewhat dangerous.

The big historical take-away here is that there was a group of people that believed the Jesus story, that group grew larger and the story spread across the Mediterranean Basin on Roman roads and shipping.