Hunter Gathers 3.0

Nah, I just need a spork.

Well, he doesn’t really have any choice in the matter, now, because everything is just going to slide right out of him.

Also, one cubic meter of salt, ground.


Herbert T. Holmes? You’re gonna get sued!

He Mama better watch her ass and stay off the coke!

That one bombed, Guy.

[Cut to nude Stephen Fry] “Quite right. Honestly couldn’t be arsed.”

It’s Fat Man for Hiroshima and Little Boy for Nagasaki.

The man had tertiary syphilis and was only incidentally born in Cardiff.

That was marketing. This is illiterate Trumpist stupidity.

That is solid fucking gold. People who can’t really read shouldn’t try to buy books.

Xanderpuss knows all about The Crying Game.

That statement alone proves that you are an imbecile and unworthy of being further engaged with.

Fuck off, you serial asshole.

Yeah, he’s not a “performance artist,” he is crazier than a sack full of assholes.

Anyone that says “government should be run like a business” is a fucking moron.

Nobody is being drafted.

That has happened to me now that I’m in my mid -forties. I just like the old stuff I like.

Oh, she’s been batshit since before she got taken by that “repressed memories of childhood Satanist abuse” therapist.