Ford offered a Mazda 2.0 diesel option on the Escort and Tempo in 84-86 since they owned a share of Mazda.
Ford offered a Mazda 2.0 diesel option on the Escort and Tempo in 84-86 since they owned a share of Mazda.
I used to work with someone who bought a new Dodge Stratus with the 2.0 and the 5 speed. He was shopping a Neon with the same drivetrain but the dealer had the Stratus on the lot at around the same price so he grabbed it. He was ok with it for a few years till trade in.
Yes, in fact I saw it there again last week with it's hood up. It is a magnificent piece of machinery, the electronics straddling the Atari and Apple eras.
Personally I would have schooled her. I would have directed her to the kitchen and pointed out the hardworking immigrant staff. School her on the increase in health insurance premiums for the employees due to her administration gutting the ACA. Let her know about wage, hour labor laws and OSHA which her administration…
Jackie Kennedy- A fashion icon and promoted the arts.
Lady Bird Johnson- Keep America beautiful. Upset the highway billboard industry.
Betty Ford- A stoic woman who made it acceptable to talk about cancer and alcoholism. Supported the ERA.
Melania Trump- A woman of dubious morals, sketchy immigration status.
Wears an…
What are they saying at the border when she visited? “They don’t send their best...they come here, they use visitors visas to work. they plagiarize. they grift”.
This needs to occur more often. Maybe not Abbie Hoffman Yippie like antics or violence but if you see a member of the administration or one of their acolytes just give them a piece of your mind.
Maybe her other clothing was uh infested.
You could call it Melania’s feckless adventure.
Trump has openly expressed his support of eugenics right out of early 20th century America and Nazi Germany. So its not surprising that his advisors like Lewandowski mock disabled people.
It is also reflected in their policy decisions be it attacking the ADA or undermining the preexisting conditions coverage in the…
At least they won’t leak oil.
Opel Calibra
Part of me would be amused if his tower met the fate in a similar manner as the Move cult in Philadelphia did in 1985.
Where are those great 2nd Amendment aficionados? They like to talk a good game about freedom and the alleged encroachment by the federal government. You’d think they would want to liberate those child migrants who have been unjustly separated from their parents and detained.
Godwin’s law was suspended on 1/20/17.
Thanks for the rundown. The other day I was behind one and thought of it as being a cover or shield for the rear suspension.
Does it reek of rancid peanut butter and bacon grease?
I bet his TT’s are in a twist.
When Trump built his tower he promised to preserve the historic artifacts from the Bonwit Teller building. In typical Trump fashion he reneged on his agreement and trashed them.
The Sunbeam Alpine series I had a similar spare tire configuration under the trunk lid.