We lose Anthony Bourdain yet Steve Doocy still inhabits the earth.
We lose Anthony Bourdain yet Steve Doocy still inhabits the earth.
It resembles a larger Mustang or what a Lincoln Mark IX would look like.
I usually raise mine on my 95 Ford Thunderbird just level with my neck.
My grandfather started his career as a young man in the early part of the last century rebuilding starters, particularly armatures. Whenever I had some issue with a alternator or starter instead of just buying a replacement or scouring the junkyards I would buy a rebuild kit consisting of brushes, bearings etc. and he…
It’s a good thing it did not Dart forward because to the car wash worker it would have looked like a Demon.
His views on reproductive rights are mid evil. He says abortion should be banned even in cases of the health and life of the woman. The let your spouse die act.
The man who cleaned up Times Square (Actually much of the eminent domain and contracts were in place before he became mayor) is now not even fit to be the mop guy at a peep show.
Before the Freestyle was introduced one of the auto magazines had a picture of a raised Taurus wagon that had blackened flares and skirts. A Taurus XC 70 or Outback. It must have evolved into this.
I’ve been perusing the ads of A4 convertibles and TT. Given the maintenance issues the heart says yes but the head says no. But they are nice drivers. Also thinking Saab convertible.
I always had a soft spot for the mid sized personal luxury coupes like these Colonnade body Oldsmobiles. I was in my teens when these were popular. While many of my friends swooned over the Screaming Chicken Trans Am’s my heart was into the endura nosed Grand Am or Chevelle Laguna.
Or a shortened Jeep Renegade. They could built it as an entry level model.
The 405 was also the last model sold here in 92. They have their quirks but the sport sedan mi16 is a collectible classic.
I’m familiar with the transmission issues of the early 2000 era V6 Hondas and Acura. A friend of mine had a 2002 Odessy that blew one out. It was replaced by the dealer. The CL type S with the 6 speed is the one to find.
Trump would rather have the Nazis from the 1936 Olympics at the White House than patriotic football players who were merely engaged in the act of kneeling.
I’ve been scouring the ads for one or even the base CL. Many have high miles, over 200k but there are some decent ones out there.
The Spectra was based on the Mazda 323/Protege. Just with less NVH and quality control.
Imagine him in congress. Would he introduce bills legalizing lowering the age of consent? Strangely he might get Christian Conservatives and the Freedom Caucus to co sponsor.
Jeez you can imagine her going in for an abortion. “I don’t vant it!” “Get vid of zee ugly orvange thing!”
The Dodge Circuit. It was a prototype built in 2009. They ought to build it using updated technology.
Thanks for your service. I’m suprised no one has mentioned a 57-64 Mopar with the push button Torqueflite. The selectors were always on the left of the steering wheel.