Don Jr. book.
Don Jr. book.
I’ve had a soft spot for the GT and Rallye versions. They should have offered sport hatch versions of the 200/Dart for folks who don’t need the bulkier Cherokee. I see leftover loaded 200's for around $23k, not a bad deal.
Sounds like a metal band album of the era.
Part of me would like to see Don Jr., Ivanka and Jared prosecuted just to see Orange Pinochet quake and rage Twitter.
I grew up in Westchester during her tenure as DA. A lot of her time was spent preening before the cameras looking tough. She also has a awful record concerning wrongful convictions. If NY had the death penalty at the time there would be a couple of errors, oops under her watch.
The more I see the latest Lexus and Infiniti CUV’s the more the Aztek looks prescient and stylish. I saw one recently on eBay bidding at $1250 with the optional cooler. It might be gone by now.
Only a good guy with a mimosa...
She’s certainly a demagogic one note Mary..”Kaepernick!, Muslim!”, etc. but no one ought to be treated like that in a public place. A friendly talking to would have sufficed.
You have Trump, Pence and many of their supporters viewing neo-Nazis, Lost Causer Confederates and Russia operatives as fine people worthy of respect while a few professional athletes engaging in quiet contemplative protest are a threat to the nation.
Back in 2001 when Dale Earnhardt was killed the outpouring seemed to be a bit much. Non-stop hero worship on CNN, Zell Miller weeping on the senate floor etc. Sure NASCAR is one of the most popular spectator sports in the country even outside of the south though in recent years it’s declined but I had trouble figuring…
A few years ago there were a few members of MS-13 in my Queens neighborhood. Everyone from elected officials, law enforcement to community leaders and Curtis Sliwa and the Guardian Angles came together to purge them. No fuss, no fear mongering speechs and they nor their brethren have not returned.
The law is as clear as day no foreign involvement or funding of US elections. For members of a political party that for years has questioned peoples patriotism, gone after the Dixie Chicks for perceived disloyalty to the nation and looked suspiciously at foreigners to the degree that they want to ban religious…
His views aren’t far removed from judges and lawyers who fashion themselves as originalists and strict constructionists.
Since the Festiva is based on the Mazda 123 A 1.6 swap from a Mazda 323 would not be a bad thing.
I wouldn’t mind a General William Tecumsch Sherman truck following him around.
As a kid in the pre D.B Cooper skyjacking “take me to Havana” era I would fly to visit my grandparents in Florida. It was show your ticket and get on board. Then it started with the metal detectors but people took it in stride. After 9/11 was when security became more intensive. For the most part I’ve been treated…
I find Amtrak fairly efficient if you have extra time. The check in is barely intrusive just show ID and ticket.
The JA and JX were fairly solid platforms. Though the 2.7 could be problematic. The JX had minimal cowl shake which for an American convertible is amazing. When Daimler Chrysler redesigned these for 2007 they went full bean counter. They should have just improved upon the existing JA/JX.
If it was anyone else Trump and his acolytes would be saying “anchor wife with foreign accent and expensive fashions gets free government health care”
Could you image him at Walter Reed? “I like people who aren’t bedridden”
The whole notion of a presidents daughter and son in law in the cabinet conducting foreign policy is something out of a second world kleptocracy. When Ivanka unveiled the plaque at the embassy it looked more like a fashion shoot or premiere of a Trump branded product than a foreign policy concern.
They are certainly…